Activate Your Intention Generator
Activate Your Intention Generator

Activate Your Intention Generator

It’s time to activate your intention generator. We’ve already done the induction process. We are already coming together and giving permission for the healing team to do its spiritual healing process. And with using creativity and imagination. Now we’re stepping into the space of gratitude. Show your gratitude to the healing team. You may feel like I don’t know what to do, my external world is not what I want to see, and many more. 

There are many shifts happening in the world right now and you can feel it inside. It doesn’t feel good as it’s creating pain, uncertainty and anxiety in your body. Even your faith sometimes wavers and but you’re focused within the unconscious waking up. And some of these parts you might be aware of because you’ve suppressed many emotions but there are many that you’re not aware of. Many parts waking up in this spiritual awakening process are from our ancestral memories. That’s why you feel this anxiety and you can’t pinpoint exactly where it’s coming from. It’s just a whole-body feeling of needing to protect yourself. 

Once all of these parts wake up, the healing team is seeks your permission to be integrated. Integrating all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding while being reprogrammed to release the reactions that are not in line with the healing team. With our wholeness releasing the responses, releasing the uncertainty, feeling and allowing this spiritual awakening processing work is the best thing you can do. So, show your gratitude to the healing team for letting your parts wake up. There are parts that are not willing or not sure or unsure or may feel like you’re giving up control or may even feel like you’re dying. But ask one question, are you not willing to share your knowledge wisdom and understanding with the healing team?

How to Move-Ahead and Activate Your Intention Generator

There might be parts who will be willing to integrate into the healing team but also there might be parts who are unsure. Using Creativity and Imagination by speaking to these parts who are unsure is important. This is what we call neuro-linguistic programming where we ask the parts if they’re willing to have a conversation with the healing team. So you can make a conscious choice to integrate all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding with the healing team and the healing team shares its knowledge and understanding and wisdom with you. The super consciousness then does a massive rewrite of these programs releasing the reactions, ideas, emotions, beliefs and programming that are no longer serving us as a wholeness. This is how the spiritual process of self-directed healing works. 

Releasing those to the ocean and feeling the integration of the love the acceptance of your wisdom, knowledge and understanding is beautiful part of the spiritual awakening process. Just let those go like a feather blowing in the wind. And integrate all of the knowledge, wisdom and understanding of each and every part willingly. If any part has a question, ask them are you willing to have a conversation so you can make a knowledgeable choice to integrate all of your knowledge with an understanding?

Because with creativity and imagination you need your knowledge, wisdom and understanding. We need these parts to be let go so that these parts don’t bleed into our current behavior and weren’t behaving in such ways that no longer serve us that keep us blind to our current choices and forcing us into choices from the past that no longer serve us. This is when your self-directed healing process begins. 

Watch Video HERE!

Take Aways

Use creativity and imagination and take a moment to check-in we were now. At about a seven maybe even a ten when it comes to this anxiety. What’s happening in our current world as of this day and what we want what we feel. So be real inside and let the feeling of unending, expansive, unlimited stillness, peace, beauty, connection, oneness. Allow to open and expand as the healing team working on the spiritual awakening process.

Now create an image of your goal of peace and activate your intention generator. Whatever that goal is, you’re completely relaxed and in a wonderful space. You are seeing your world at peace, feeling it seeing it, hearing it, tasting it, make that image alive inside. Make this more real inside than what you’re seeing outside. Now hold that highest vibration and highest possible outcome and activate your angel wings.

You can’t use your five senses to detect them. But you can sense them when they’re opening, imagining they were tightly folded between your shoulder blades. Now they’re opening bigger than your physical arms unfolding, bigger than your physical body, bigger than the room. Feel yourself growing the non-physical energetic part of you. Opening expanding and this is coming from the inside. Your inside experience is opening you may feel it’d be so much bigger than your physical body and even the country you’re in, there are no borders, no boundaries. This is how self-directed healing in the spiritual awakening process is performed. 

Let’s Chat!

To discover if this process is for you, let’s chat! Set up your free connection call HERE!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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