Anchor Your Spiritual Awakening Process
Anchor Your Spiritual Awakening Process

Anchor Your Spiritual Awakening Process

You must anchor your spiritual awakening process or the mind is gonna come in to say nothing’s gonna change. You are wasting your time. People are still going crazy. You’re still feeling everything. The mind will be there to distract you to put your thoughts on something else. This is when you have a wonderful opportunity to train your focus, awareness and attention to come back to the image you want to be done and connect with this expanding part of you. The super-consciousness that you are. 

You have to open up your angel wings, stay here, or come back here. If you’ve discovered you went with your mind just bring your awareness back. The process of self-directed healing does take some practice but this is the work or the nonwork. You don’t want any work here other than holding the image of what you want your goal complete. You don’t know how you’re gonna get there but all you know is it’s done. And you feel it, you hear it, you smell it, you taste it, you see yourself celebrating and saying I can’t believe it’s done. 

So, connect to your angel wings and open and expand bigger than the earth, bigger than our solar system, and hold that image and open your wing. Now take a moment to come back to what we were focused on; anxiety, trying to stay centered, uncertainty, it was a seven on the pain scale. Right? Now check-in where you are now with that number with that focus. As we come back to our real reality from the spiritual awakening process, we’re gonna have to make some choices on what we’re gonna put our focus, awareness and attention on. 

What Do You Put Your Focus, Awareness & Attention On to Anchor?

Here’s where we’re going to get selfish with what we’re putting our focus, attention and awareness on in order to anchor your spiritual awakening process. We are going to look for things that are in line with the image and only put our focus, attention and awareness on that. 

Focus on The End Result

There are going to be things in the world that we don’t want and what we don’t want to do is feed those things. So, what we can do is if we do look at the things that we don’t want to see more of. We don’t see it but we don’t want to spiritually bypass it either. Because that’s another form of suppressing. 

So for example, if we see women being treated in ways we don’t want, we create an image of only holding them in the highest possible light with the highest possible outcome and only see and feed that. Because that’s what we want for them. Then bring our focus, attention and awareness back to what we want to see more of and have more of that in our experience. 

Because you’ll realize in this spiritual awakening process that the world is going to take you off balance and we’re going to look at animals being abused, we’re going to look at people being hurt by other hurt people, we’re gonna be seeing these things and it’s going to hurt. It’s going to make that pain number well above a five. Because we don’t want to see those being a natural Empath and we must anchor your spiritual awakening process.

So what we can do is hold what we’re seeing with the highest possible health, they’re happy, they’re blessed in so many ways and then let it go. Come back to what you are here for, get clear on your purpose and your aim and what you’re here for. This may seem counter-intuitive, however, it’s a must to anchor your spiritual awakening process.

Serve Yourself First

We are here to serve each other. First of all, how can you serve you? You must be at the top of the list. You must fill yourself first, put your oxygen mask on first and then help those closest to you, our partners, those closest to us, our family. Get back to your root chakra of community and begin to serve those closest to you. 

Anchor Yourself In Healing Team

We want to create this anchor to anchor us in the healing team as the healing team. Because you are your conscious awareness, what you’re putting your focus, attention and awareness on. You are the unconscious. Whatever is happening, we don’t know but there are parts that wake up and these parts that wake up affect how we see our world, affect how we respond and react to our world emotionally, behaviorally, with thoughts and programming. So these parts are going to wake up and then the super intelligence that we are. It’s your inner wonder woman and your inner superman. This is how we are all connected.

Change The Way You React To Your Inside

As an energy worker, this is how we can affect change in our experience by changing how we react to our world inside ourselves first. This is how we can heal the collective energy with each other. And as we do our own healing work and we heal, this light spreads to others without us doing anything. It just automatically does it. 

So now we want to anchor this work because the world is going to continue to show us our reactions, our unconscious programming. So anything that pisses us off or makes us react in our external 3d world, we are now going to anchor this processing work to continue doing the self-healing work. 

Watch the video HERE!

Take Aways

When the healing team has our permission and these parts begin to wake up. Now ask these parts if they want to be integrated. These parts should be willing to integrate all of their knowledge, wisdom and understanding with the wholeness of the healing team. These parts will integrate all their knowledge, wisdom and understanding while being completely rewritten, releasing the karmic reactions, programs, responses, triggers, ideas beliefs and releasing them to the ocean. 

We barely feel it. We may become aware of something happening inside. Suddenly there’s more space, suddenly my body’s more relaxed, suddenly my mind is not thinking too thousand miles an hour. So we may recognize there’s something happening in my internal world because I’m not reactive anymore. I see it and then automatically send blessings and Reiki energy to it. This healing power is all within you and our guide to the spiritual awakening process is all focused on this. 

So anchoring this work the healing team has my permission because I am going to be reactive. This body reacts to fear but I process these parts that wake up and these parts are waking up from generations of fear and I allow this process to happen and to heal and to anchor this within the center of my wholeness and the organization of my playing field. 

Now take a moment to hold the image. It could be I like to hold myself in the highest possible light feeling health, wellness. Now allow your belly to relax, allow your breath to slow but deep in and before the next inhale you hold that space. This space between the exhale and the next inhale is the bridge between the seen and the unseen. 

Let’s chat!

To inquire if this type of multidimensional hypnosis method is right for you to anchor your spiritual awakening process, set up your free connection call today! HERE!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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