Reality Transurfing and LOA
Reality Transurfing and LOA

Unlock the Secret to Manifesting Your Desires: How Reality Transurfing and LOA Can Transform Your Life Despite External Challenges

So, if you haven’t heard of the book *Reality Transurfing by now, you’re in for a treat! If life is giving you external challenges, Reality Transurfing and LOA can transform your manifesting powers.

Are you a spiritual seeker wanting all the benefits of being spiritual, ie. bliss, love, peace, joy, harmony…and yet your outside world is showing the exact opposite? Yeah, me too.

So, what is it about reality transurfing and LOA?

I’ve studied Universal Laws through various Metaphysical training’s and I believed that I had the Law of Attraction down! Yes, I healed myself. I manifested amazing opportunities and I could manifest dragonflies! Then, the manifestations became hit and miss or just completely stopped.

I found myself asking questions like — why does this always happen to me? Why do I attract angry people? I ever have enough money? Why can’t I…?

I made it my intention to study quantum physics theories and apply them to my life in order to live in harmony with these Universal Laws. Those of us who’ve been on this journey are familiar with the Universal Law of Cause and Effect, otherwise known as the Law of Attraction.

It was by Grace that Reality Transurfing came into my experience.

I’m an interpreter and I’m always on the lookout for translated material and I discovered the work of Vadim Zeland, a Russian Quantum Physicist whose work has been translated from Russian to English since 2016.

And a most excellent find! However, I should warn you, it is not an easy read. If you can understand the model being presented, you discover how you are your own cause and effect. The image and the projection is the genie and the bottle. It’s not only freeing, if you understand and can apply the theories, you can control the game!

I saw clearly why the Law of Attraction stopped working!

With reality transurfing and LOA, I began to apply the theories laid out including being aware of pendulums. The chapter on the theory of pendulums blew my mind and completely changed my world. Confirmed what I’ve intuitively known, that these entities are only out for your energy, nothing more. Once I understood how I was triggering these balancing forces, I began to become crystal clear on what I wanted and learned to only focus on the end result.

The mind wanted to know exactly what the plan was. I gave no importance to it one way or the other. Becoming aware of what I gave importance to was a huge shift for me. As suggested, I began to create backup plans. This has become my favorite technique from Vadim’s book.

And it’s amazing what options open up when you have a backup plan. Even the intention of having a plan helps prevent balancing forces from being triggered and manifesting the opposite of what you want.

If you’re a visual person like me, watch this video below for a detailed breakdown for what all of this means and how it works.

I have two favorite takeaways from the book Steps I-V.

So, the first is having a better understanding of the Law of Balance. Trigger balancing forces is the other favorite on how not to trigger the pendulums or tip the scales and wake up balancing forces; this can manifest the opposite of what I want. And I also appreciated a more in depth understanding of the power of my focus, awareness and attention.

Most eye opening and possibly why the law of attraction might not work for some, was learning about the theory of “importance”. Anything I give my attention to with importance can send me down a path I don’t want by activating the balancing forces. Just this alone has changed everything! I’ve incorporated the theories in the work I do with clients, and the results have been not only life changing, but life saving. If you haven’t heard of Reality Transurfing by now, you are in for a treat!

And there are so many techniques and exercises that I want to help break them all down so you can apply them to your own life and understanding reality transurfing and LOA.

So if you would like to go further in your own studies and follow along with each chapter, you can purchase your very own copy of Vadim Zeland’s Reality Transurfing Steps I-V right HERE. The link is an affiliate to this book.
I absolutely believe in the power of this perspective and have been teaching this with my own clients before I’ve had the pleasure of finding Vadim Zeland’s work. Just get the book, don’t fall for the marketing 😉

Need guidance? Set up your free connection call with Deni to see if our custom programs are right for you HERE

*The Amazon link to the book Reality Transurfing is our affiliate link. Thank you for your support!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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