create reality you want
create the reality you want without feeling like you're chasing it.

Create the Reality You Want Without Feeling Like You’re Chasing It

Create the reality you want but many people, especially now, are focusing on all the fear, uncertainty, uncomforting, unsureness of the actual circumstances and they are reacting to their life and environment instead of creating the reality they want

They experience a lot of panic, anxiety, pain because they are losing their jobs, they are not sure what to do, and they are not sure about their future.

But, when you start to put importance on something and you don’t see what happened on the other side, the balancing forces come and balance you out so you get the opposite of what you really, really want.

Where are you when it comes to what’s happening in your reality right now?

When you create the reality you want, are you centered, grounded, observing your reality, or reacting?

In an attempt to help you recognize what happens inside of your body and how to create self-directing healing, I created the energy healing process called Process Transformation Method based on the work of Dr. Garry Flint.

If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person experience fear, panic, anxiety, come on and experience a session of the Process Transformation Method for yourself.

Create the reality you want and In this video demonstration, you will learn how to create a space where your goals literally come to you using the Process Transformation Method. You’ll also find out what your most precious gift is and how to create the reality you want by working with the healing team using universal energy.

You can check out more details and book a session here

Reverend Dr. Deni Van is a Hypnotist, Spiritual Counselor, Speaker, Author of The Secret to Spiritual Awakening is not Religious, it’s Physics!, host of Heartfelt Awakening Radio, and creator of the Multidimensional Hypnosis Method. She is a hypno-coach and mentor, bridging science and spirituality, guiding those who are seeking Self Realization, freedom and healing to their own unlimited source of power.

Heal past trauma and suppressed emotions while activating the super-conscious.  Discover what’s missing when using the law of attraction to manifest that no one else is talking about. And how to unlock your unlimited potential and align and shift into your power!

Deni Van
Deni Van

Want to understand how you can create and work with your own Healing Team to build the life you desired?

If you are ready to create your reality and are you ready to step into a reality of:
– Optimal Health

– Functional, Loving, and stable Relationships
– Emotionally and Energetically stable

– Financial Abundance
– Living a life of gratitude, patience, and compassion

– Being so energetically aligned that your desires happen almost instantly! 

Then this is for you!
Learn the Four Cornerstones method! 

  • Discover the HOW to answer the questions that keep you searching on your spiritual journey. 
  • Activate the super-conscious and teach it how to heal
  • Learn what’s missing with using the Law of Attraction to manifest that no one else is talking about
  • Unlock your unlimited potential once you align and shift into this power.

Schedule your free connection call to see if our custom programs are right for you!

Listen To Our Heartfelt Awakening Podcast!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Phillis

    This article is one of the best articles I have ever read. Congratulations to
    the author, I distributed the article to my friends.
    I want to be helpful and share how I got rid of sleep problems, maybe help someone:
    Good Luck!

  2. Aneetrai Rowland

    Deni I need your help with quitting cigarettes and remembering and healing childhood trauma. Gratitude

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