This is going to be a categorized series on what 8 things to know when starting our on your spiritual awakening journey. We polled over 300 people
This is going to be a categorized series on what 8 things to know when starting our on your spiritual awakening journey. We polled over 300 people

8 Things to Know When Starting Out on Your Spiritual Awakening Journey

This is going to be a categorized series on what 8 things to know when starting our on your spiritual awakening journey. We polled over 300 people and they gave us many different responses all across the board on.

Everyone has a different experience when they start out on their spiritual awakening journey. Some call it ascension symptoms, some experience that they are going insane. Basically all of us are coming from this space of experiencing “something”.

We polled over 300 people to understand different perspectives.We categorized all 300 responses that came in to 8 different categories to bring some clarity. We will present 8 categories to you one by one so that you can begin to apply these concepts even if you are in a space where there is no concept.

8 things to know when starting our on your spiritual awakening journey and coming into focusing is the most important right now. So I wanna share with you the 8 categories that we came up with based on people’s feedback and responses about their spiritual waking process.

“What’s interesting is that despite all these 300 people come from different backgrounds and have different opinions religiously and politically. Still all of us agreed on these 8 things.” 

1.    Look inside

Actually so many people favored this part. This is where everyone agreed across the board and many responses fell in this category. So, we’ll be talking about it first.

Listening from within, is probably the highest number of responses for people to say to do. Looking inside is important because of the following reason, take a look,

●       It’s all about listening to your own intuition because we have a tendency to look out and compare ourselves. But when we do that we’re not listening to our inner voices. We may make our own choices to do that even though the inner voices says that’s not for you. But we make the choice anyway. This is why it’s so important to look inside and always listen to your own intuition.

●       Always listen to your heart and let it be your guide. Some of you might not know what that means. If you come from a Christian background you must know the Bible mentions when two or more are gathered in my name. They say the magic happens as the heart and mind are united. There is actual science behind this-the science of coherence. You gotta go inside to  get your mind and heart bring in a sense of coherence. And this is where the magic happens.

You Gotta Go Inside

You can’t get this anywhere outside of you, it must to be done inside and this is why you look inside. Also believe you have all the answers even though the world is showing you all confusion, change, uncertainty and fear.

“Come Into this place and just know that if I’m in this place of looking inside then I believe this is my true place. And then believe it, surrender and trust it.”

These were the most common responses on what you need to know when you’re starting out on your spiritual journey and going through this process.

You gotta go inside and have faith that all you need is right there. But I know when you’re in a space of uncertainty and fear, it’s really hard to see it. But if you can trust yourself and have faith in nothing but yourself then you begin to shift through this larger source of power that you are.

Several mentioned to be careful who you listen to. There’s a lot of people who know the right words but haven’t done their own work. So they can’t pass on value. Usually these answers come from a space of ego rather than a space where you want to grow.But in this space you really can’t pass on value or you don’t make any projection.

“I totally agree with being careful who you listen to.Is that person doing their own work ?Is that person guiding you to be you? or is that person guiding you to look outside and look at something else and do abc and compare yourself in order to get these results?

Watch the video HERE!

Looking for guidance? Set up your free connection call HERE!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alice Carroll

    You made a good point that spiritual awakening is usually started from within. I haven’t visited my parents in over five years and recently, I suddenly had a looming feeling of guilt because of this. Maybe I should get an online spiritual awakening guide in order to see how I can grow as a person and make up for my mistakes.

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