light bulb with color explosion
How Creativity is not a Mysterious Process - it's Systematic!

How Creativity is not a Mysterious Process – it’s Systematic!

The creative process involves several key steps: preparation, incubation, insight or illumination, evaluation, and implementation. Each of these steps requires different skills and approaches to problem-solving. Preparation involves gathering information and knowledge about the topic at hand. This could involve researching similar projects or brainstorming ideas with colleagues or team members.

Ego States determine the success for failure of hypnosis
Ego States determine the success for failure of hypnosis

The Success of Hypnosis is Determined by Ego States

Ego states are parts, and they are usually within the unconscious. So, some of these ego states we can compare them to architypes. These are personalities within us who have a certain function. We find architypes everywhere.

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Hypnosis for Weight loss and Body Image

With resistance comes persistence, so the more you push away what you don't want your body to be the more it's going to persist in your experience and you're going to get mis-gendered and more that could trigger your spiraling down when it comes to your personal body image.

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hypnosis to quit smoking

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Becoming aware of your thought processes as you light up that cigarette, are you having thoughts of this is bad for me? I should quit. I shouldn't be doing this? Take a moment and think, do you want to have those kinds of thoughts and still light up and have the cigarette while you're having such thoughts?