Do you have a magnetic attraction to crystals?
Do you have a magnetic attraction to crystals?

Do You Have A Magnetic Attraction To Crystals?

Do crystals magnetically attract you? How much of the balance or attraction we share with crystals and people can you attribute to your body’s magnetic crystals? Well. A lot! Some so many people still don’t know about crystals and how they influence our balances.

Turns out, there also other ways that they impact our lives. In this piece, we will discuss the attraction, magnetic attraction, and we have with crystals. Not only that, but how they are in our bodies. We have crystals within the brain and within the ears and how they work in the body, and then we’re going to talk about a little bit about the seven crystal systems.

A Little Bit Of Quick History About Crystals

Historically, people used crystals as a form of medicine and borrowed philosophies from Hinduism and Buddhism. The Bible mentions crystals. People believe that crystals promote good energy flow and help the body and mind eliminate negative energy, providing both physical and emotional benefits.

There Are Physical And Emotional Benefits To Using Crystals

Let’s just talk a little bit about the crystals in the ears. Some people may experience dizziness easily if they move their heads in a particular direction because these crystals within the ears help the body balance its equilibrium inside. As a result, your body knows when it’s in balance.

Sometimes the ear canal system can trap tiny crystals, which may cause a feeling of being out of balance.You can do techniques – do your research or talk to your doctor – massage therapists to restore the body’s balance.We use craniosacral protocols to help the body process the dislodged crystal, so you no longer feel dizzy.

The Body Has An Abundance Of Magnetite Crystal

Right there within the body, we have crystals in our ears. Also, scientists have discovered crystals called magnetite throughout the brain in crystalline form, which are present throughout the entire brain. A high concentration is located in the surrey cerebellum part of the brain and the brain stem.

You have this magnetite in your brain, and they’re only recently discovering this occurrence.

They’re finding that this magnetite is produced within our cells. Researchers are just learning that, first of all, you have these magnets in your brain, and it is known, especially by those studying the law of attraction, it talks about how we are sending and receiving transmitters. Well transmitters require magnets or crystals to send and to receive a frequency.

You have this magnetite in your brain, and they’re only recently discovering this occurrence.

Researchers are discovering that our cells produce magnetite. Those who study the law of attraction know that we send and receive transmitters, and they are just learning that magnets exist in our brain.

You have both the ability to send a frequency and receive these frequencies. This could be why so many of us are having this strong magnetic attraction to crystals. I did a quick post in an extensive group on Facebook. This group has 357 000 members, and I asked, “do you have a magnetic attraction to crystals? How do you use them? What are your favorite ones?” Some of the responses were so amazing, but most people said they collect or give them away. Personally, find them to be unique.

I can stare into a crystal for hours, pondering its secrets, it’s crystalline form. So many showed me pictures of their favorite crystals. We have all kinds of crystals. We have some moonstones, quartz – all sorts of unique crystals that they showed me. Moldavite seemed to be a favorite one, as well as pink quartz and amethyst. Those seem to be the top three favorite crystals.

Learn More About the Crystal that Magnetizes You

Many people were following because they wanted to learn more about crystals, and they recognize this draw that they have within themselves to crystals. Use crystals, understand their use, activate them, and assign them a role.

This is an agreement you make with them, and some go to a crystal site and check out as many as you can and just go with the ones you’re drawn.

Learn about the one that draws you and ways to use it; this is a wonderful opportunity to get your feet wet and learn about these beings.

The Seven Crystal Systems

There are seven crystal systems. If you learn the crystal systems, you can begin to understand more about crystals. The first one is logicalit’s cube, and it’s a cubic square crystal, and you’ll find those as you start to look. Then there’s the hexagonal or hexagonal. You simply add sides to the crystal. Then a trigonal and tetragonal and then ortho humbik. The others are monoclinic and then triclinic.

If you think about it, when magnets line up, they create a frequency, and if we allow these frequencies to be within our energy field, it can raise your vibration just by having the crystal in your energy field. You can activate it and set an intention for it to do something for you.

You have both the ability to send a frequency and receive these frequencies. This could be why so many of us are have this strong magnetic attraction to crystals.

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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