The American Society of Dowsers
The American Society of Dowsers

Join Me at the American Society of Dowsers Convention 2023

I’ll be presenting at the American Society of Dowsers Convention 2023! “Unlock the Power of the Subconscious Mind for Success with the Pendulum Training. Join us for presentations and workshops on practical tools and techniques to harness the power of the subconscious mind. Experience unique and powerful healing sessions in the healing room. Don’t miss this opportunity to achieve your goals and tap into the power of the pendulum.”

I am thrilled to announce that I will be presenting on June 10th, 2023! At SUNY Adirondack College in Queensbury, NY.

Saturday June 10th

In the morning, I will be presenting on “Unlocking the Power of the Pendulum and Training the Subconscious for Success.” And certainly during presentation I will share my knowledge and expertise. Focusing on how to use the pendulum to tap into the power of the subconscious mind and achieve success.

In the afternoon, I will be leading a workshop on “How to Harness the Power of the Subconscious for Success.” This workshop will provide attendees the practical tools and techniques needed! Surely in order to unlock the power of their subconscious mind and achieve their goals.

The Healing Room

Indeed in addition to my presentations, I will also be offering healing sessions in the healing room on Thursday and Friday. These sessions will focus on unlocking the energy centers with a pendulum. Providing attendees with a unique and powerful healing experience.

I am excited to be a part of this incredible event! And look forward to sharing my knowledge and expertise with the attendees. Join me at the American Society of Dowsers Convention from June 7-11, 2023. And unlock the power of the subconscious mind for success!

Become a Member!

To become a member of the American Society of Dowsers, one must complete an application and pay the annual membership fee. Membership benefits include access to educational resources, networking opportunities, and participation in the society’s events and conferences. The society promotes the study and practice of dowsing, a method of using a tool or one’s own body to locate underground water, minerals, and other substances. Members of the society come from a variety of backgrounds and interests, and the organization welcomes anyone who is interested in learning more about dowsing. Become a member HERE!

Register and I’ll See You There!

To learn more about the American Society of Dowsers and to register for the convention start HERE!

Learn more on unlocking the subconscious with the power of a pendulum HERE

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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