The Alchemy of Self-Directed Healing
When we combine the second chakra, the sacral chakra, our sexual and creativity Center with the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra, the creativity and imagination center, this is when the magic happens.
When we combine the second chakra, the sacral chakra, our sexual and creativity Center with the sixth chakra, the third eye chakra, the creativity and imagination center, this is when the magic happens.
The Process Transformation method was born after combining EFT and Neuro Linguistic programming, hypnotherapy, and past life regressions, with shamanism. With the concept of waking, how energy moves, reality transurfing, and seeing how nature, physics work, the model of transformation can be created. This is when things radically began to change.
“Everyone should experience the spiritual healing process. It releases these good hormones that cascade into lowering our blood pressure, lowering stress levels, deeper breathing, a calmer mind, and less reactive.”
Spiritual process is about bringing the mind and heart in unity. When this happens, it creates a certain frequency. This is the frequency that we need when we start to create things in our life.
When you shift to the larger unseen part of you, when you understand you are the bottle, the physical part and the genie, the non-physical metaphysical part you, you begin to observe your thoughts.
Your true asset is that you not only have these external senses but also have these internal senses.These are your gifts that are given to you. So just ground yourself, believe in yourself, and trust in your senses
In the spiritual process, it takes saying no to everything else that takes away your focus, attention and awareness from your practice. You have to say no to those things in order to say “yes” to your practice
Forgiveness starts inside first. If you have forgiveness for yourself, you will easily have forgiveness for others. If you find yourself having a hard time forgiving others then look inside and see what you're not forgiving about yourself.
Have you ever gotten the feeling that there's something bigger than me? This feeling of there's something bigger than me, it's like I know this human is female, a wife, a mother, a sister, a friend. You know all of these things but those are not me. There's something bigger that I can't put a label on, I can't give it a name
It’s important to get balanced in your life, balanced in your thoughts and balanced when you make major choices in your life. Bring that balance to yourself first and then make a choice from this space.