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The Importance of Forgiveness

The Importance of Forgiveness on Your Spiritual Awakening Journey

We are talking about the importance of forgiveness on your Spiritual Awakening Journey and learning ways to accelerate your personal and spiritual growth, we are continuing on this journey of what it is that you need to know if you are just starting out on your spiritual awakening journey.

This process that so many of us are going through and we often face issues while we’re on the journey. I want to emphasize that we polled a group whose focus is on spirituality. There are over a quarter of a million people from all around the world and from various backgrounds responded through the poll. So we took all of these responses and found that these responses fall into eight categories. So, we divided up these categories and now we’re sharing this wonderful advice that so many are experiencing.

From these eight things to know about your spiritual awakening process, some have many different names for it, some call it ascension symptoms, some call it empathic, and so on. But if you are a lightworker and you’re picking up on all this stuff. The most important thing here is to focus in on and to really understand, not just intellectually, but experientially understand it. 

What is Forgiveness?

We’re going to be talking more on the topic of the importance of forgiveness on your spiritual awakening Journey because this is part five of the series in our spiritual journey. And forgiveness was the fifth top thing to do while you’re going through this spiritual awakening journey. Because anything you’re not forgiving is going to keep showing up in your experiences. So, we keep projecting out the need for forgiveness during the entire spiritual journey. 

This is one of the most important things that you experience on your spiritual journey and forgiveness was the top response that we got. In the category of forgiveness, you should be patient with yourself. 

During the spiritual journey, the process is going to hurt like hell and not make sense but the other side is beautiful. So there’s a light at the end of the tunnel and to get closer to that light or rather to bring that light closer to you, forgiveness is key. But, in this category we should include surrender as a quality. Because sometimes forgiveness requires letting go and so many of us don’t know how to let go.

What does let go mean to you? Actually it’s a form of forgiveness. It’s just like a pencil. You open your hands and the pencil falls just like that whatever it is that your mind is focused on, just let it go like you dropped your pencil. 

Ways to Become Forgiving to Yourself in Your Spiritual Awakening Journey:

There is a common battle during this process of becoming forgiving. Sometimes there is forgiveness and you’re taking back forgiveness. You really didn’t forgive yourself if you pick it back again. So if you forgive yourself for something but then your start saying “well if i shouldn’t have done that! I have regrets about this” then did you really forgive yourself? Of course not! Right?

So, we’ll be discussing the proper ways to become forgiving in your spiritual awakening journey. Let’s take a look, 

  1. It Starts Within You

Forgiveness starts inside first. If you have forgiveness for yourself, you will easily have forgiveness for others. If you find yourself having a hard time forgiving others then look inside and see what you’re not forgiving about yourself. Figure out where you’ve not forgave yourself in the past and let it go first. Also, you should hold on to the larger source.

It requires contracting and not stepping into what you’re supposed to be. And that’s called expanding. If you’re not able to forgive you’re actually contracting your energy and preventing yourself from moving forward. 

  1. Be Kind to Yourself

You should accept the  fact that with darkness comes light. So, be kind to yourself and take your time. Don’t expect anything from others. For this category of forgiveness some of us have to go down into the dark. We can recognize the light only when we go down into the dark. 

This is some of our process and we have to constrict to the tightest constriction. When we get to that point and we expand then we observe the law of reciprocity. This is what’s going to bring you everything that is waiting for you but if we’re holding on to something then we’re not creating that state of forgiveness.

  1. Surrender to the Larger Source

Sometimes surrendering and just giving it to source is gonna hurt. But you should have this believe that I’m gonna get through it to the other side. Because on that other side there is light, there is lightness. It is expanding, opening. So, surrendering is more important than holding on to this thing that i can’t seem to let go of.

Things may have happened today, this morning, last week, last year, a decade ago, two decades ago, whatever that is, now is the time right now. It’s like a pencil so drop it. Let it go and give it to the source. Let the source take it like the ocean. You’re giving a drop of water back to the ocean. This is true forgiveness that you should know when you’re in the spiritual awakening process.

  1. There Are Reasons for Everything

Sometimes people have this feeling that someone has done to them and they think “I could never ever forgive something like that.” But you stood in your strength. And now you’re not forgiving yourself for being in that situation. Because you think that situation should have never happened to you. It might be right but you’re standing in your strength because the situation happened to you. And that’s what got you through it.

So, forgiveness starts with forgiving you for thinking that should have never happened to me. When you stand in this space of strength that situation happened for you to allow you to open and expand even more excellent opportunities. 

So everything that happens in your life whether you see it or it’s perceived as good or bad happens for a reason and there are no coincidences. So many people say that you have to recognize there are synchronicities happening and there are no coincidences. 

You may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time but you were there. So forgive yourself for being there. You’re holding yourself back and it’s time to open up and show some compassion for yourself.

It starts with YOU!

So, forgiveness starts with yourself. This is the number five category of more than 300 comments and we keep getting comments in but this is quite eye opening for all of us who are just starting out on our spiritual awakening journey.

When we’re learning this process of the importance of forgiveness on your spiritual awakening journey we may have questions. “what do i need to do? What do I need to learn ? Who do I need to go to to help me through this because I feel like i’m going insane?”

Watch the video here!

Here are the things that you can start cultivating within yourself. In our next article, we are going to be talking about the sixth category on what you need to know about your spiritual awakening process. This will be about creating daily practices.

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Rowan

    Great article. I have learned to forgive others and myself, but it usually requires time and distance from the situation. I haven’t yet learned how to forgive others when it’s a situation that is ongoing / recurring and causing me distress. And how can I learn to stop expecting anything from others? If I give up my expectations for how people should behave, which at this point just feels like the bare minimum for human decency, then I fear I’ll lose all hope that things can get better, which would not be good for my mental health.

    1. Deni Van

      Yes, let go of expectations for how people should behave, but never give up your boundaries with how you want people to treat you. Letting go of expectations and forgiving frees you, it does not condone their behavior. And yes, that is not good for anyone’s mental health. You are doing great! Keep being amazing and Thank you!

  2. Rye Saavedra

    Thank you Deni, for sharing your wisdom on the importance of forgiveness in our spiritual awakening journey. It can be difficult to let go of past hurts and resentments, but forgiving ourselves and others can bring a sense of peace and liberation. Remembering that there are reasons for everything that happens can help us find meaning and purpose in even the most challenging experiences. As we embrace forgiveness, we open ourselves up to greater love, compassion, and understanding. So let us embrace forgiveness as a powerful tool for healing and growth on our spiritual journey.

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