Staying balanced on your spiritual awakening journey
Staying balanced on your spiritual awakening journey

Staying Balanced on your Spiritual Awakening Journey

Let’s talk about staying balanced on your spiritual awakening journey. So, we posted a poll to know people’s responses when they are starting out on their spiritual awakening process, and we got hundreds of responses so far. For your ease, we’ve categorized the responses and this is the third most popular category in our poll. It’s about balance. We’ll be discussing the importance of balance.

And for me balance is number one amidst all other categories. Getting balanced in my life, balanced in my thoughts and balanced in when I make major choices in my life. So, bringing that balance to myself first and then making a choice from this space has really become a powerful process that I incorporate as well. So, let’s get started with the steps of staying balanced in your journey. 

Ways to Stay Balanced & Centered

This might seem confusing at the beginning. But as you go through your spiritual awakening stages, you will find out that there are steps to stay balanced and centered. We’ll be discussing the following here. So, keep reading!

Go with the flow 

It is a very common thing. So when you’re balanced and you’re flowing, you’re able to kind of keep your center right? but if I want to go off the flow and I want to go in a different direction. Just thinking about going in a different direction can throw me off balance right? 

Have you ever been driving a car and then you’re looking over somewhere and all of a sudden you’re driving in that direction, you’re off balance right? So going with the flow is one of the most important steps when it comes to balance.

Take Your Time Out

So smile and be happy. This puts you in a state of balance automatically when you’re able to let some of those things go. Know that everything works out. Just go with the flow and see what comes. We have no control over those things. And be a researcher of truth. It’s important to not get stuck in any belief. Because there’s many things that might throw you off-balance. And be aware of that. 

It’s kind of like that fine line between really showing you a path and modeling the path or becoming a cult with an agenda. Right? 

So be a researcher, make your own decisions, make your own choices, don’t let anybody tell you “hey come this way this is the way”. Stand in your Center and be balanced. You can listen to them but don’t put your faith in any person, place or thing. Your faith is in your center with your own balance because only you know when you’re off balance right? so this is an inner experience that you feel in the entire spiritual awakening process.

A Clean Diet

A clean diet is a part of balance. And I’m gonna have to agree with that balance and being aware of what your body needs. Because what your brain wants Twinkies, hohos, pop you know all that stuff. And what your body needs might be something totally different. 

So finding that balance between what your body needs and giving your body what it needs 80% of the time. And maybe only giving what your brain wants 20% of the time. So this could actually be your balance. Because for somebody saying I cut out all sugar, what’s going happen is all sugar is gonna come in through their experience.

So you want to decide and come from a space of deciding and knowing what is best for you. And people can help but all of the answers are inside and what I do is I guide people. 

I can say “hey look the moon is over there. See isn’t it beautiful?” But you have to physically walk up, acknowledge it and see it for yourself. 

I can tell you how beautiful the moon is and talk about it all day long. I can guide you to it but you have to experience it. And this is where you find your balance when you’re experiencing it. Because a lot of people on the spiritual awakening journey they’ll have a lot of intellectual knowledge but they’ve never experienced it. This is where you have to come into your balance.

Surrender Yourself

Surrender is a part of balance. Because sometimes when we’re trying to control everything. If we just let go of the controls, it’s gonna go on its own. So surrender to the process and  allow the process. You might feel like you’re going crazy. In that case, just breathe gently, be kind to yourself, deeply and consciously. And there was a lot of talk about drinking lots of water for balance.Water is an energy conductor. So our bodies need water. You can take in this water to find the right balance. 

Grounding Yourself

Grounding is important for balance. We talked about grounding in our previous article on the spiritual awakening process. Grounding is to connect with this source and this source is your sixth sense. 

It’s knowing, it’s your energy, it’s your power, it’s your balance. And be patient with yourself because we tend to want the things, we want the manifestations, we put some of those manifestations, we make them very very important. Right? 

But this is creating a space of being impatient. I know that it’s here. It will be here and this is a state of faith and being the fulcrum of this space of balance.

Everything Happens For a Reason

People say everything happens in your life whether it’s perceived as good or bad for a reason. Now sometimes we’re looking at things and the mind just can’t wrap itself around it. So, come back into this open nothingness space- your center. 

Find some balance and the mind is going  to make sense out of it. This is completely normal

but come back to this balance. There are no coincidences, only allowing and surrendering to the fact that everything happens for good.

So in the next one we’re going to start to see something bigger than us. So this is our article on staying balanced on your spiritual awakening journey. In our next article, we’ll be discussing, seeing something or feeling something, that there’s something larger happening. 

we can’t wrap ourselves around it but something larger than us is happening. And this was the fourth thing that hundreds of people thought that you should know while you’re learning about your inner self through these spiritual awakening stages.. Meanwhile, keep being amazing.

Watch Part 3 of this series here!  

Watch the video HERE!

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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