Activate Your Intention Generator
Integrate all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding while being reprogrammed to release the reactions that are not in line with the healing team.
Integrate all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding while being reprogrammed to release the reactions that are not in line with the healing team.
When you’re in the process of spiritual awakening, you may become aware of something happening inside. Suddenly you’ll feel there's more space, suddenly your body's more relaxed, suddenly your mind is not thinking two thousand miles an hour.
The superconsciousness or intelligence among us has to agree to be an integrated part of this integration process. This is called doing a complete rewriting of our programs. This releases the emotional reactions, the karmic cycles, the behaviors, the ideas and beliefs and all the programmings that are no longer serving.
The important part of this spiritual awakening processing work each and every one of these parts that wake up because they're not your wholeness.
All laws of nature are secondary and derived from the law of balance. So the law of balance is really the law of all laws. All laws have to be in balance with the law of balance. Else there will be problems. We’re fine as long as we're in harmony with these laws.
Our thoughts work like a boomerang. You send it out a positive thought, it will bring joy to you. You send out negative thoughts, and worries will come to you.
“A person's response and reactions to the pendulum push, and the mutual exchange of energy induces a transition onto a lifeline similar in frequency to the oscillation of the pendulum.” ~Deni Van
Because many of us are experiencing panic, anxiety, and pain, because we are losing jobs, not sure what to do, and are not sure about the future. Use the energy of the full moon in Libra to bring balance to your life! Open yourself up to see the possibilities!
Any model of the universe represents just one manifestation of reality and you have to choose it in order for it to manifest. Getting past the mind is how you realize this. It’s about observing from this multidimensional space within YOU. This internal space is an information field recording all that was, is and ever will be.
You can make a conscious choice to integrate all of your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. The superconscious part that we are, rewrites all of these programs to release the reactions, the responses, the emotions, the ideas, beliefs, and programming that no longer serve us.