Transmute and transcend
Transmute and transcend

What is the Difference Between Transmute and Transcend?

This is a common question, especially from who are going through transformation if you will and want to know the difference between transcending and transmuting. If, on your journey you find yourself pondering over this question, it’s only natural. It is in our nature to want to understand everything that we are experiencing. In this article, we will delve into the difference between transmute and transcend.


The verb transmute means to change in form. You’re changing something from one thing to something else. It’s like the way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. This is a transmutation process that completely transforms. You see this in nature. Things are transmuted into stories. You can have a bad situation transmuted into something beneficial.

When I work with clients and I ask them to go through an exercise of transmuting. It means taking all of your thoughts and emotions and maybe writing it out – journey journaling it out. This is beneficial in many ways. You’re seeing, feeling, and touching it. You may even be hearing the pencil on the paper.

So, what you’re doing is incorporating a lot of your nervous system in this process of writing it out, dumping it out. You’re putting it all on paper and with this transmutation process it is a process of forgiveness and it helps with the process of forgiveness by bringing it all out, writing it all out, and letting it all go then forgiving it.

Forgiving means letting it go completely. Letting it go and what they usually do is burn it they transmute that paper into ash. They go through the process of burning it and with this exercise comes the realization that if you just purged everything out and then transmuted, it transformed it into something else.

As You Transmute and Transcend, Remember That Letting Go Is A Choice

The verb transmute means to change in form. You’re changing something from one thing to something else. It’s like the way a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. This is a transmutation process that completely transforms. You see this in nature. Things are transmuted into stories. You can have a bad situation transmuted into something beneficial.

Later you go back and start thinking about it. Maybe you didn’t forgive everything. This is like what it says in the bible. A dog will return to its vomits. That’s what this is like when you choose to forgive something and you don’t forgive. You wrote it all out and you transmuted it. You let it go then if you start going back through that process of not forgiving again, this is you going back and choosing to not forgive.

It’s very important when you do go through this transmutation process of letting it go, putting it all on paper and then maybe burning it -this is your choice. Do your own research but if you choose to go through this process it’s a choice. Forgiveness is a choice.


Transmuting, we just discovered, is going from one thing to another and transforming completely Changing form, the nature and substance – alchemy. To transcend something is a verb and it means to be or go beyond the range or limits of something and it could be abstract or subjective.

Transcending something requires the ability to conceptualize this process because it’s not shown. Its experienced. for example, if you are working with somebody who’s experiencing a lot of anxiety and

To transcend something is a verb and it means to be or go beyond the range or limits of something and it could be abstract or subjective.

they have a lot of thought patterns – the tapes are running in the background, and you have those same thoughts running, looping over and over again. You’re getting this whole tsunami of thoughts coming at you it feels overwhelming.

How To Transcend

This has kept people up at night unable to sleep, relax or calm down. If this is you, this is how to transcend this. I work with a lot of people who have been on the path of seeking this awakening and for some reason there is a belief that they have to shut off the mind. Here’s the thing the mind’s job is to think we can’t shut it off that’s like you being told not to think of a pink elephant. It is right in your mind’s eye you can’t make it go away.

Transcending something requires the ability to conceptualize this process because it’s not shown, it’s experienced.

So, instead what you should do is transmute and transcend and this is a process. This is the work in going through this spiritual awakening process so transcending as the verb of it means you’ve got to do something it’s a verb to transcend so here you are with this thought tsunami coming, your tendency, habit, or pattern is to take a look and start feeding your most precious gift to it and remember your most precious gift is your focus awareness and attention.

When I work with clients and I ask them to go through an exercise of transmute and transcend. It means taking all of your thoughts and emotions and maybe writing it out – journey journaling it out. This is beneficial in many ways. You’re seeing, feeling, and touching it. You may even be hearing the pencil on the paper.

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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