Treat Inner Space Like A Vital Nutrient
Treat Inner Space Like A Vital Nutrient

Treat Inner Space Like a Vital Nutrient! You Can’t Live without it!

Many of my clients come to see me about anxiety. Their mind is not able to stop – constant worry, some fear thoughts and anxiety. With all these things, I work on creating some inner space. Many of us do not have any of this inner space. I like to say treat you inner space like a vital nutrient, meaning you can live without it. 

Worry, Anxiety, Fear –
Deny Us Our inner Space

When we have this inner space that is filled with thoughts, ideas, fears, worries, uncertainty, we are creating this anxiety. We have no inner space. I know, I learned about this inner space in 2001 when I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. At the time I was given some choices by the doctor. And as he is giving me these choices, inside I had so many thoughts swimming around that I am barely hearing the doctor. 

What I heard him say was that we are going to inject you with radioactive dye and after the surgery we are going to determine if you are going to have radiation with chemotherapy. All these things are coming at me and at the same time! Then, there was a tiny voice inside that said to me “that’s not for you”. And at that moment I did not know what was for me.

“That’s not for you”

When we have this inner space that is filled with thoughts, ideas, fears, worries, uncertainty creating this anxiety, in this moment we have no inner space.

I needed to get some clarity I had to get some inner space. I had to let go of the fact that I would be dead in two years if I did not agree to chemotherapy and radiation. That’s what the doctor told me after I said, “no, I am not going to do that”. He said, you will be dead in two years. So, I had the seed planted in the unconscious saying that I would be dead. Yet there was a tiny little voice inside that said that’s not for you. 

I asked this question inside: what is for me? In the moment I was being shown fear, experiencing severe anxiety, my mind won’t stop from wondering what’s going to happen to my children and my husband when I am dead in two years! I had no inner space, I had a lot of fear, worry, which led to anxiety, tightness in my body and inability to think clearly. I needed some inner space and I had to create this on my own.

Incorporate Hypnosis, EFT and  Other Tools to Reclaim your Inner Space 

So I myself started incorporating tools like hypnosis, EFT, meditation – all these are tools you can use to create the vital nutrient of inner space. As you can probably imagine, I am experiencing anxiety. Awareness is key. Awareness is the first step in creating this inner space – becoming aware of when your thoughts are going 10000 miles an hour and realizing that i am not my thoughts. If you just take a moment to fel thoughts come and go like the waves of the ocean. 

When we become aware of when these thoughts come and go, you start to train your focus, awareness and attention. This is KEY! Here comes those thoughts again, maybe I should tune them out, or heal them. There are tools you can use like EFT. Start tapping! Even though I am having these thoughts, and these thoughts are coming like a tsunami, and I can feel the tension and stress in my body as the thoughts come. Even though these things are happening I choose. This choice is key when choosing to sit in open expansive nothingness that you are. Allow yourself to sit in that open nothingness that you are, and create your inner space. 

Choose when it is Worth Holding onto Troublesome Thoughts

You decide when you are going to hold onto a thought and think about it and come to a resolution of it instead of being controlled by tsunamis of thoughts coming in – feeling overwhelmed, worried, anxiety. It starts with focus, attention and awareness. What are you putting it on?

 As soon as these thoughts come in, you begin to realize when you are putting your focus, attention and awareness on these thoughts. When you do so, it almost feeds them, and more come, and there’s more behind those and then you choose. Even though you feel overwhelm by these thoughts right now, choosing to sit in the centered calmness, peacefulness that you are and let those go is precious!

Practice Letting Go

Letting go is a practice in itself. Many of us don’t know how to let go. Write your thoughts down. You must get it out somehow, then let it be. Come back to your center. As you begin to treat this inner space as a vital nutrient, you will notice when thoughts come, and you will be able to choose whether or not you will put your focus, awareness and attention on it. Or say thank you thought, then turn your attention away from it, no longer feeding it and staying in this open, expansive knowingness that you are. 

Watch the video HERE!

Inner Space is a Vital Nutrient

Make it a priority to treat this inner space like a vital nutrient. Many of us have this problem where we are in the mind Tsunami, then we are in anxiety, then get in a panic, and worry. They start these energetic circles and create a feeding loop. They keep coming back on us. You have the choice to stop those right now. We use hypnosis, which is a trance, a natural human state. 

When you are in this state of trance, we are allowing the subconscious to receive messages. And I use these in hypnosis to train your focus, awareness and attention. We use hypnosis in this trance to drop messages because inner space is your most vital nutrient. Treat it as such!

Let’s connect! Schedule a free connection call so see if one of our custom programs is right for you! Schedule HERE!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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