Hypnosis for weight loss and body image
Hypnosis for weight loss and body image

Hypnosis for Weight loss and Body Image

I use hypnosis with clients for weight loss and body image. I’ve discovered over and over again that the root of it comes down to being worthy. Are you worthy? Is your goal of losing weight, looking your best, and being in a space of health and wellness from the inside out with your body a priority?

If there are worthiness issues within you like: My body is not good enough. I don’t like my body. Or there are parts of my body I don’t like, you are creating a type of vibration that will bring to you exactly what you do not want. 

If there are worthiness issues like; “my body is not good enough”, ” I don’t like my body”, or “there are parts of my body I don’t like”, you are creating a type of vibration that will bring to you exactly what you do not want

This is the start of self sabotage. I work mostly with women. However, I do work with some men and Transgender individuals who have severe triggers when it comes to their own Body Image. Feeling comfortable in your own skin and accepting  the body is vital.

Start with Accepting Self first

For someone who is transgender and a strong identity to a gender such as being male, and yet they were born in a female body, healing body image issues is life saving. You may have noticed this more and more as you become aware of this happening.

There are those who come with the belief that it is unnatural or an abomination of God. They may have a belief that its against the bible, or what have you. As a Reverend who has studied the Bible for over 30 years,  I also look to nature and you can see frogs, plants and the animal kingdom changing genders, so we are no different. So, reframe what is happening for acceptance of where you are.  How others think of you can trigger because we want their acceptance, however we start with accepting Self first no matter what the physical form is. 

Hypnosis for Weight Loss and Resistance

Coming from the space of body image, what is this body? This body and change.  I’ve worked with transgenders over the last five years. The transformations have been phenomenal when given the right tools in the right situation and also the right mindset. Accepting your body image while you have other ideas and beliefs about what the body is, you’re creating resistance.

With Resistance Comes Persistence

The more you push away what you don’t want your body to be, the more it will persist in your experience.

When working with women, especially women who say their body has morphed into something foreign to them, like after going through the birthing process, this process of creating another Human Being does quite a number on the body.  So, we allow the healing transformation to happen instead of resisting it. Your first instinct might be to push it away saying, “I don’t want to be this way!  I want to look like this!” You are pushing ‘what is’ away. 

Use Hypnosis for Body Image and Weight Loss

When we use hypnosis for body image and weight loss,  we create a mindscape within and clear out the blocks.  The blocks can be belief, ideas and programming that may be running in the unconscious. These unconscious programs start to wake up as soon as you start making goals to change your body image or goals for weight loss. All of a  sudden, these parts will begin to wake up and literally self sabotage you. 

So what we do during a hypnosis  session – sometimes it only takes one session –  is  grade all these parts that wake up and infiltrate your now. You experience your personality now and what I mean by that is thoughts like you are not good enough, you were born in the wrong body,  people are going to disgender you anyway. 

All these ideas, thoughts and programming begging to wake up in the unconscious part of us. So, what we do is gather your healing team to integrate all these parts that wake up. Because right now they are taking over your thought processes, behaviors and reactions.  You may find yourself eating what you don’t want to eat, or having thoughts about where you should be now. While not looking at where you are now and moving from this limited space. 

Create a mindscape with hypnosis for body image and weight loss and clear out the blocks.  The blocks can be belief, ideas and programming that may be running in the unconscious.

Clear Blocks and Your Path with Hypnosis

Come from a space where there’s nothing about you that needs to be fixed or changed, only integrated. Hypnosis as a tool for weight loss and body image is where you become very clear with the direction you want to go. 

In all of those things that look like blocks or the path isn’t clear in the direction you are headed, those can be cleared using hypnosis and mindscape techniques. And the beauty is, if there was any kind of trauma or emotional responses that have been suppressed, you only have to put your focus, attention and awareness on it. You don’t have to rehash it. That trauma that happened in the past you don’t have to explain it again or rehash it again and feel again. That’s the beauty.  You only need to focus on that number on the pain scale. 

The higher the number the better. Because more of these parts wake up in reaction to the high pain number that you’re focused on. If you are frustrated and sabotaging yourself, and are at a 7,8, or 9 on the pain scale, something has to change! Hypnosis is wonderful because you are putting your focus, awareness and attention on that number. 

The Unconscious is Part of Your Healing Team

The second part of your healing team  is the unconscious.  These parts begin to wake up in reaction to what you’re putting your focus attention on. We teach the third part of your healing team, this intelligence that you are, we teach it how to integrate these parts, while releasing those that no longer serves but we keeping all of the knowledge, Wisdom and understanding in such a way that each of these parts willing does it. It has to be willingly because you cannot coarse, force, or trick this part of us to integrate. 

Watch the video HERE!

You can teach this intelligence that you are how to do reprogramming and integration work and the results are transformational! Clients losing weight without even trying. Having visions of pushing something away that is being given to them and saying thank you I don’t need that. Finding yourself easily saying no to things that cause inflammation and weight gain in the body. 

Are you are struggling with weight loss, self sabotage? Are finding that you have a body image that is causing pain in your life? Let’s set up a connection call HERE, and see if one of our customs is in alignment with you. Blessings and thank you for being on this journey with me. 

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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