integrating unconscious parts willingly
integrating unconscious parts willingly

Integrating Unconscious Parts Willingly

During the spiritual awakening process, each part of the healing team must give permission while integrating unconscious parts willingly. We show gratitude to the hidden parts that are now waking up. And we’re focused on these seven that’s giving us anxiety. We don’t know what’s happening inside, our body is tightening up and as we talk to these parts, more parts start to wake up. 

When these parts wake up, we ask, are you willing to integrate all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding with the healing team? They have to agree to be an integrated part of this integration process. This is called doing a complete rewriting of our programs. This releases the emotional reactions, the karmic cycles, the behaviors, the ideas and beliefs and all the programmings that are no longer serving. But for this to be done, the healing team must be willing to do this. And some of these parts might say no and this is where we incorporate neuro-linguistic programming.

What Does Neuro-Linguistic Programming Mean In Spiritual Healing Process?

In the process of the spiritual awakening process, neuro-linguistic programming means asking questions to the parts that are waking up. We ask these parts if they’re willing to have a conversation with the healing team. This means if they’re willing to have this conversation that they can make a conscious choice to integrate all of their knowledge, wisdom and understanding with the healing team. Then the healing team integrates all of its knowledge, wisdom and understanding with each of these parts consciously.

When these parts make a conscious choice, they say “yes of course I want to have a conversation”. Then they have a conversation once they make that conscious choice they want to be integrated. Then the spiritual awakening processing begins to happen.

The Importance of Integrating Unconscious Parts Willingly

The third part of the healing team is this unseen part of us because we are dualistic. There’s this physical part of us that’s here temporarily. I like to call this body my meat-suit and it’s a gift, it’s my temple. It’s been given to me as a gift temporarily in this time-space dimension. Because we are moving through time and space with this body, going through the seasons and the cycles of time and moving through space. 

But there’s an unseen metaphysical part of me that has never been born and will never die. This body part of me was born is here for a period of time and its existence will end. This part most of us don’t like to take a look at. But the super consciousness intelligence that we are is an integral part of the healing team. It too must agree and be willing to do the spiritual awakening processing work. 

So what we do is we ask this intelligence, our focus, awareness and attention. The exact order in the sequence of the parts that are waking up is hidden to us. It’s hidden from our conscious awareness. We can’t see it but this intelligence part that sees clearly all the hidden parts that are waking up and integrating unconscious parts willingly.

So, we ask this intelligence through an allegory:

For integrating unconscious parts willingly, are you willing to be part of the healing team and do the processing, do the reorganizing and reprogramming and rewriting of these parts? Because this no longer serves the emotional reactions that are popping up in our experience. Rather it affects our behavior, our thoughts, and our reactions.

This superconscious has to agree to do the work. And we use allegory to make our superconscious willing to work for the self-directed healing process. You know this allegory is like a beautifully organized playing field like a soccer field or a football field. You see the organized lines, you know exactly where the landmarks are, you know where the end goals are, you know where its boundaries are. But what we don’t see is the holes in the playing field. Right? These are the unconscious parts waking up and this can affect us as we’re playing on the playing field. But the superconsciousness, the intelligence sees not only the playing field but all of the homes.

We’re asking the super-consciousness AND we are this intelligence!

Like a feather fill in all these holes so that my current experience doesn’t feel any of the pain of it. So that I can barely feel the pain of past traumas and past emotions that were very painful. They are now being processed like lovingly and gently like a feather filling in those holes. Now they’re all being integrated perfectly into the healing team with cohesiveness and orderliness.

This is what the third part of the healing team is doing the spiritual awakening processing work and integrating unconscious parts willingly. But again we must get its permission and most of the time I get a big fat yes.

Now I’m gonna let you in on a secret because you’ve been doing this work for a while.

And you might think why don’t you just let this intelligent part come into your being part and just do the work. Isn’t it?

So, Dr. Gary Flint discovered that when this intelligence comes into the mind and body, it can’t see the exact sequence, exact order. So it stays and it sees both what we’re focused in and putting our focus, awareness and attention on that number that’s seven. We’re focusing in on the anxiety that we talked about. 

The healing team sees the super-consciousness that you are, this integral part of the healing team that you already are, there’s nothing outside of you. You don’t need to change, learn, and fix yourself. Only allow the healing team to do this spiritual awakening processing work. 

Watch the video HERE!

Take Aways

Once we do this spiritual awakening processing work, we are going to create an image where we’re activating the second chakra, the sacral chakra. This is creativity and imagination and the third eye chakra which is inner vision or imagination. These two chakras working together to create a slide or an image of what you want as an end result. 

We’re holding an image of being in this space of love, where our world is finally working up, people are figuring it out, people are getting along, there is just a feeling of joy within you. Hold that and then activate this integral part of you. I love to call it our angel wings. 

There are many other names for it. Carlos Castaneda calls it the assemblage point, the Bible calls it God’s braids or God’s cord, Native Americans call it the braids or the plot. There are many names for it but I like to call the angel wings and it’s between the shoulder blades. So we’re going to go through this spiritual awakening process together with the anxiety and what’s happening in the world today, we look forward and bring that image to us in this current reality. This is how we move towards self-directed healing. 

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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