hypnosis to quit smoking
hypnosis to quit smoking

Hypnosis to Quit Smoking

Use hypnosis to quit smoking! This tool has been around forever and it seems to be the go-to tool to quit smoking.  I want to talk about using hypnosis to quit smoking and any other habit that you would like to change. 

But here’s the thing: we are creatures of habit. We thrive with habits and ritual! So we could have a habit that we do time and again even though this habit is bad for us. Because we are creatures of habit we like habit. 

What does Hypnosis do?

Hypnosis goes into the unconscious to change the automatic go-tos of the habit and create new habits. Those habits you want to cultivate more. Many times when working with a client who wants to quit smoking, they know it’s bad for their health.  

But every time they light up a cigarette, they are reinforcing “this is bad for my health“. Then the guilt and shame come after having the cigarette. It creates a cycle of forcing the habit, which is why many of us will do something that we know is not good for us and yet we’ll smoke day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, while having those thoughts of this thing as bad for me therefore I shouldn’t be doing it

Making the Decision to Quit Smoking

In the next part,  I will talk about how you can make the decision to quit something such as smoking. I’m working with several people right now and after two sessions have already reduced smoking by more than 80%. They went down to having 10 cigarettes a day to having two cigarettes a day while naturally reducing.

That’s what hypnosis does. Once you come into a trance state you are then able to make those deep-rooted changes within the subconscious. Usually a lot of our habits or subconscious – we just do them automatically from a subconscious level. That’s the reason why so many turn to hypnosis to break habits and change to more healthier choices and habits. 

Shift your Mindset

You learn how your thought processes can actually Sabotage you so what I would love for you to start doing especially if quitting smoking is something you want to personally do, you can start right now even before hypnosis session by shifting your mindset. What I would like for you to do is the next time you light up and have a cigarette you are not going  to have any thoughts of this is bad for me. I should be quitting, I shouldn’t be doing this. let go of that. 

Becoming aware of your thought processes as your lighting up that cigarette,  are you having thoughts of this is bad for me.  I should quit.  I shouldn’t be doing this?  Take a moment and think, do you want to have those kinds of thoughts and still light up and have the cigarette while you’re having such thoughts?

Become Aware of Your Thought Processes

It’s very important to really become aware of your thought processes and this is where hypnosis really helps to quit smoking. The next time you want to light up and have a cigarette you’re following a habit you’re going to light up a cigarette, I would like for him to take a moment to shift.  shift to I am having this for my highest good and then light up the cigarette for your highest good and enjoy it. 

Only focus on having that cigarette for your highest good.  keep your focus, attention and awareness on enjoying the cigarette while you’re having it. become aware of when thoughts start to creep in like I shouldn’t be doing this. This is bad for me. I have to quit. Instead,  become aware of when these thoughts come and then shift to I am having a cigarette for my highest good and then enjoy it 100% without any thoughts whatsoever about how you should be quitting this and how this is bad for you when you have to quit.

With this mindset and training your focus awareness and attention and where your thoughts are, are you having a cigarette to reduce the stress? Then be in the moment. As the cigarette helps you reduce stress, thank the cigarette, say it’s for your highest good. Only do it for your highest good and I can’t emphasize that enough. It must be for your highest good because these other thoughts coming in set you up for something else.

It keeps you trapped. Like you’re spinning your wheels but you’re not moving anywhere and this could cause energy blockage, guilt and shame to drive to doing the cigarette anyway because maybe you’re not worthy of healing maybe you’re not worthy of quitting. 

 There may be some underlying things that are influencing your habit of grabbing the cigarette. This is the same thing for people who drink or eat.  Sometimes our world shows you a lot of stress and in order to escape that stress, you grab something like a cigarette, joint, hamburger, french fries, or a drink. We do something to continue to suppress what we feel coming up and so as you go through this process of using a habit to suppress instead of dealing with, these things will start to come up.

You want to become aware of this and come to a point where you no longer suppress. You’re allowing whatever needs to come up to come up and be integrating. This is key and this is the work that we do with hypnosis and quitting habits like smoking. We are creatures of habit. We want to change one habit for another instead of trying to completely stop a habit 

Become Aware of the Shifts Within You

As you become aware of these shifts within you, your mind says, “I got to quit smoking because it’s bad for me.” But your body says it’s time to have a cigarette. It’s a habit and you’re stressing out so we have to go have a cigarette. All of these things are happening in the unconscious space.  In order to reconnect, hypnosis is a powerful tool to get right to that.  If you’re wanting to start right now. Take the steps toward changing this habit of smoking to change your mindset. This is key because the power you have with your mindset can change all of your behaviors especially if your body knows it’s for the highest good.
Your body will naturally stop craving because it knows what’s good for it and it knows what’s bad for it.

Watch the video HERE

Take Away

I’d like to hear from you.  Have you used hypnosis to quit smoking? Try it one day! Make the decision that you’re going to do this habit for your highest good. Then enjoy 100% without any thoughts of I should be quitting this, this is bad for me. But stay in that space of allowing and becoming aware of your own internal habit, alright?

If you really want to dive deep and changed some of these habits, hypnosis is a very powerful tool! If you’d like to find out if one of our custom programs is right for you,  set up a call and lets have a chat! Set up your appointment to chat. It’s free at heartfelt awakening.com/call.  I look forward to chatting with you. 

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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