Hypnosis Induction With Permission
Hypnosis Induction With Permission with Deni Van

Hypnosis Induction With Permission

There is a difference between hypnosis induction with permission and the induction process in a regular hypnotherapy session.

I’ve worked with people who say “I can’t be hypnotized”.

Well, that’s the mind thinking and believing it can’t be hypnotized. So what we do with somebody who says he can’t be hypnotized, I say you can believe that. Because what we do in this spiritual awakening process is that we bypass the mind. So while asking permission the first thing we establish is asking permission to assemble your healing team. And the first part of your healing team consists of your conscious awareness, what you’re putting your focus, attention and awareness on.

The first part of the healing team is your focus, attention and awareness and what you’re putting it on. Now the mind tries to get your focus, awareness and attention to put it on the thoughts.  During the spiritual healing process, your mind itself will strategize to put your awareness on judging, criticizing, and all other irrelevant things. 

With multidimensional hypnosis, we separate ourselves from the larger unseen part, the focus attention and awareness that you are. Because, you are not the mind. The activity of the mind is part of our conscious awareness, the 3 dimensional world. The mind puts its focus on something but the mind is not always your friend. So, you have to seek permission from the healing team to conduct the spiritual awakening process successfully. 

How to Keep Your Awareness On the Things That You Want to Put On?

I’ve had questions of how to keep my focus, attention, awareness on the things that I want to put on. Because the mind seems to go in all kinds of other directions with thoughts. So, what we do in the spiritual awakening process is that we train your mind. We’ll reveal the steps here so that you can follow the same. 

Train Your Mind

Training our focus, awareness and attention is the key to the spiritual awakening process of seeking permission during the hypnosis induction. You know in marketing they tell us that most people have a six-second attention span.

So our attention is looking for something else to put its focus, awareness and attention on right after the six seconds. We’re training our focus, awareness and attention to stay on something. And then what we’re putting it on is the pain scale.

Putting Our Awareness On The Pain Scale

We will put our focus, attention and awareness on something that is causing pain in our life and the process transformation method works best if the pain level is a 5 or above on the pain scale. It’s just like if you’re in the hospital and let’s say you had a procedure done and the nurse comes in and says what is your pain scale right now and you might say it’s a three or a four. The nurse might ask if you want something to relieve the pain. And you might say yes to get the edge off or no if you want. 

When you’re saying no, it means it’s not enough causing pain within your wholeness that putting your focus, awareness and attention on. So, it is not going to really wake up those parts within the second part of our healing team which is the unconscious part of us. 

So if we’re focused on something that is on the pain scale of a 5 or above then if the patient responds, the nurse will suggest pain relief. And this is why using the pain scale during this process because now you’re in that zone of waking up parts in the unconscious part of the healing team. 

The Integral Part of Healing Team

The unconscious part of the healing team is an integral part because as we put our focus awareness and attention on that number with anxiety there’s so much crazy going on in the world. It really causes anxiety and you just want to run away, hide, or block everything out. 

You feel concerned, insecure and this is enough within the pain to wake up these unconscious parts. Now here’s the thing about what’s happening in the unconscious. Within the unconscious these parts that wake up have scripts.

These scripts are emotional reactions, responses trigger, ideas and beliefs and programming that are no longer serving us. So these parts wake up and affect our present. It affects what we’re looking at in our material world. 

Seeing Reality Through Lenses

When we move wit hypnosis induction with permission, what happens when we’re triggered from past trauma past emotions that haven’t been dealt with or processed, these parts will wake up and affect your lens. So now you’ll be seeing the world through the lens of these parts. 

So many of us will make decisions from this space and we don’t understand the consequences. We keep that karmic cycle or the energetic circuit of what we’re sending out comes back. And even in the Bible God says “the word goes out and comes back fulfilled”. It’s talking about this energetic loop and what’s happening in the unconscious part of us that we can’t see or consciously know. Because these could be the parts from our pre-birth or from past lives. 

Using Your Focus, Awareness and Attention

Science is now showing us that within the DNA structure there’s dark matter that they’re calling ancestral memories. These memories are in our unconscious and when our external world shows us something, these parts wake up and then we see current reality through this limited lens. This further takes over our reactions, our emotional responses and how we’re thinking about the situation. 

However, the beauty of the spiritual awakening process transformation method is as you’re using your focus, awareness and attention as your most precious gift. With hypnosis induction with permission, you’re putting it on that number seven or eight and there’s just so much going on. When these parts wake up, you may feel anxious, you may think you want peace and you want to get along. But thank them for waking up.

Integration into Wholeness

The important part of this spiritual awakening processing work each and every one of these parts that wake up because they’re not your wholeness. They’re not completely a part of you. We want them to integrate into the wholeness of the healing team but only willingly. This is also why the induction process is very different when it comes to permission because each part of the healing team must give permission and so we ask these parts that wake up.

And we’re focused in on these seven that’s giving us anxiety as we don’t know what’s happening inside. Our body is tightening up and we talk to these parts and more parts start to wake up. And as these parts wake up we ask are you willing to integrate all of your knowledge, wisdom and understanding with the healing team? And they have to agree to be integrated. Part of this integration process is being reprogrammed and doing a complete rewriting of these programs to release the emotional reactions, to release the karmic cycles, the behaviors, the ideas and beliefs. 

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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