Unleash your mind's potential with fourth dimensional thinking. Learn how to unravel mysteries and expand your perspective in this insightful blog post.
Unleash your mind's potential with fourth dimensional thinking. Learn how to unravel mysteries and expand your perspective in this insightful blog post.

How to Explore Fourth Dimensional Thinking

Often, we talk about things like the 3rd dimension, 4th dimension, and so forth, but most people don’t sit down to think about how these apply in their spiritual growth and how to explore fourth dimensional thinking. They are important in shaping your sensory world. In this article, you are going to get a glimpse of fourth-dimensional thinking. We’re going to be talking about fourth-dimensional thinking. It’s a five-sensory realm in this three-dimensional realm if you’re lucky enough to have all five senses.

I work with people who maybe have four or three senses. Becoming aware that in our sensory world, we are sending and receiving signals constantly raises our thinking ability- capability, if you will – and we all have this capability to think into a fourth-dimensional realm.

Of 3D And Reptilian Type Of Thought

As we proceed, we will discuss the distinction. In the 3D world, people often attribute their problems to external factors and blame others for them, while absolving themselves of responsibility. This is a reptilian brain way of thinking.

Perceiving the world solely through our five senses is a limited way of thinking, and many are undergoing a spiritual awakening to expand their perception beyond this. It’s natural to experience an unseen awakening after physical birth.

Many traditions, including the Bible, talk about dying physically and being reborn spiritually. This is a process that I truly believe all human beings experience, and it doesn’t matter what tradition you follow. All rules point to this.

It’s Not About What’s Happening Outside Our World; It About How You React Inside

When we become aware that there’s a transition that so many of us go through, we realize that it’s not happening in our outside world. It’s how we are reacting inside. When we start to move from they have the problem to what’s going on within me, that’s where the cause of this is. It does not mean it’s your fault.

This is the difference. It’s not your fault, but something within you reacts to what you are sensing in the 3d realm. You end up in a reactionary loop. You send something, you react. This is being in the 3d thinking and then blaming it on other people. Most people often say it’s because of you I’m reacting this way. This is 3d thinking.

Release the trauma, old patterns and integrate things that build you. It is a process, but as you continue to do this work and this process, you create this inner space and an inner knowing that comes about. You make almost instant manifestations.

The Two Outlooks Of The World Held By Every Person

Goddard, I love him, and we’re going to be doing a five-part series on him. There are five lessons  that he did, which were amazing, so we’re going to be going into that. He suggests that there are two actual outlooks, or perspectives, if you will, on the world possessed by every man, so this is the 3d realm.

Even the old storytellers were fully conscious of these two outlooks. Many old traditional stories will have a deep-rooted meaning that once you hear the story and understand what’s happening within the story, this seed’s dropped with it. You have the choice to cultivate that and make it grow. Within every man, there are these two perspectives: the carnal mind and the other the mind of Christ.

The Carnal Mind versus the Mind of Christ

The carnal mind is the reptilian brain. It’s reactionary. The body decides what it wants to eat when it wants sex and its addictions. The body chooses to, whereas the mind of Christ becomes the parent.

Then the body becomes like the child, then there’s this opening, rebirth, spiritual awakening, if you will, within, and this is an inner experience. This fourth-dimensional shift doesn’t happen outside of you in the three sensory worlds. This is happening within you. So, you begin to realize that all of the seeds are within you and how you’re reacting to your world.

Embracing The Fourth Dimensional Thinking Helps You Realize When You Are Drifting

When you start to think more fourth dimensionally, you begin to recognize when you’re falling into old patterns, habits, beliefs, and ideas. You begin to acknowledge that you don’t hold that belief anymore. So, you begin to shift. Most people change into a cognitive dissonance space, but what you want to do is detach. That’s it.

Allow Whatever Is Happening And Allow Yourself To Create A Little Bit Of Inner Space

I love to call this internal space a vital nutrient. This is why meditation is an important practice in everyday life. You become less reactive, judgmental and critical, and start observing with fewer reactions and more responses. You stay centered and balanced. This is what fourth-dimensional thinking begins to create within your reality.

Explore Fourth Dimensional Thinking to Change the Inner Landscape

Neville Goddard goes on to say that the natural mind is confined to the now. The past and future are purely imaginary. This is the cardinal mind. Your everything else is just fictional and is only memory. You have this imagination and remembrance of things that are a limited focus of the cardinal mind. The future doesn’t exist.

You only have right now, and the natural mind does not believe that it can revisit the past and see it as the present. You know, once the past is done, you can’t go back and change anything. But in hypnosis, we can change our inner landscape. The beauty of fourth-dimensional thinking is you change it energetically, internally, and then externally.

When you start to think more fourth dimensionally, you begin to recognize when you’re falling into old patterns, habits, beliefs, and ideas. You begin to acknowledge that you don’t hold that belief anymore.

Your Material World Will Change When You Explore Dimensional Thinking Because It Is Fluid

Your material world begins to change because our material world is fluid. It’s changing so fast and is very fluid from one moment to the next. Thus, you become aware of this Christ mind, the spiritual mind, or the fourth-dimensional focus. It uses our higher thinking abilities, which require going inside and doing.

Release the trauma, old patterns and integrate things that build you. It is a process, but as you continue to do this work and this process, you create this inner space and an inner knowing that comes about. You make almost instant manifestations.

A small shift in your inner landscape can create a massive change in your outer reality

Some of my clients’ stories are just a tiny shift in their internal landscape that made an enormous change in their external reality. This is the power that we have as we begin to move forward up out inside into this fourth-dimensional thinking.

You only have right now, and the natural mind does not believe that it can revisit the past and see it as the present. You know, once the past is done, you can’t go back and change anything. But in hypnosis, we can change our inner landscape.

Explore Fourth Dimensional Thinking

Begin to create a new approach to life and discover how valuable it is to spend a few moments every day in this inner exercise of withdrawing your focus and attention to the 3d world. Going inside, creating space, letting go of things, and again not in the space of cognitive dissonance but in the space of allowing whatever it is to be and let it be fluid around you as you begin to observe what is happening within you.

You’ll start to notice that you focus on your inner perspective or state. You begin to recognize that it’s a joy to be in this space, and it is like the kingdom of the heavens within, as stated in Luke 17 20-21. This is a state of being, and this is the state we guide you into when using hypnosis. This is a natural state of being, and I invite you to every day come into an open this Christ mind if you will this natural state that is you, and I invite you to go into this space for two to ten minutes.

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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