Move Forward with Completeness

Align Body, Breath, and Spirit

Align body, breath and spirit! I’m celebrating 33 years as a Minister. I remember I was pregnant for my first son when I became an ordained Minister in July of 1987, and my son was born in September 1987. I’m celebrating 33 years of serving spiritual beings.

Shed the old you, and find spiritual, emotional and mental renewal while aligning body, breath, and spirit

On the day of my baptism, as I went under the water, I let go of everything that no longer served me. I became an ordained minister. Many times I didn’t know what it was that I was letting go of. I made a promise to let go and give my sins to Jesus who died symbolically to cover our sins. Therefore I am sinless. However the Bible does say that you put on the new personality, so I had to look for ways to do that. Role models of those pieces that I want to incorporate within myself and cover over the old patterns, old behaviors and old thoughts. 

This is a continuous process

The Bible says to put on the new personality. Put on means to take action.  You have to do something. This has been a process ever since. You have to continue putting on that new personality and some of the things you can put on are characters in the Bible. One of my favorite characters in the Bible is Job and what he went through and never cursing God and putting on some of his long-suffering parts of his personality.  If he could do it,  you can do it too. 

But then sometimes even superheroes are personalities you can take on and incorporate a bit of them within you to align body, breath, and spirit.

I like to think I went to Hell and came back Wonder Woman.
The thing I love about Wonder Woman is  she stands up for the little guy, she’ll say something for the person and protect the person. I have gone so far as standing up for someone in the employment arena. As a result I was the one who was terminated. 

This person was clearly being discriminated against when I stood up for that person, and as a result I was the one who was terminated. The whole experience has brought me to a whole other part and the space of gratitude for being able to do that. Putting on this personality is what is most important to me. 

The Seen and the Unseen

First of all you have to take care of your form because as a Human Being the key human part of you is here temporarily. it’s here to experience and decide what direction you want to go. The second part of your human form, being part of you, is timeless. It doesn’t belong to this realm because it is this realm. As a Human Being, you are connected through the Being part of you and this is a part of you that you cannot see. It’s kind of like we can see the tip of the iceberg and we have no idea what’s underneath it. You have no idea what’s behind our 3D space that you use your five senses to sense in. 

Understand the larger unseen part

But there is a larger unseen part of you and most people begin to know about it as they are aligning body, breath, and spirit.  In other words, you have to let go of the human part of you because even Jesus said no flesh can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. So nothing flesh about you can enter this space. The kingdom of the heavens is within and this is why you should be encouraged to treat  that inner space like a vital nutrient because it is connecting with this space that religion tries to point you to and fails miserably. Why? Because as soon as you find it you know their Tactics.  This is what they’re trying to point you to, but sadly, that is all they can do – point you to. 

Open up your Angel Wings

You are one that has to shift into it, and it is a huge shift.  It’s like looking out through your eyes and wondering what your own eyes look like.  Of Course you can’t  see your own eyes. You have to look into another being’s eyes to see the image of ourselves.  If you can sit with this looking where we are looking from, not what we are looking at, this stems from the kingdom of the heavens within.  That means you have to go into this unlimited expanding space to align body, breath, and spirit.

I love to help people connect through an exercise that we do on opening up their angel wings. This is a part of your body. Many theories and philosophies of religion will call it the art in Kabbalah. The Bible refers to it as God’s Cord. Native American tradition calls it the Braid or the plait. Carlos Castaneda calls it the Assemblage Point. So not everyone is aware of this powerful point on our body. 

Harness your body’s energy centers

I like to connect to it through an exercise called angel wings. Then, we combine the second and sixth chakra. These are energy centres on your body. It’s an energy wheel that means there’s energy movements inside your body and there are seven main ones going up and down the physical spine from the tailbone up through the top of the head. Pay a little more attention to the second one, the creatives enter, the sacral chakra and the sixth one, the imagination, the third eye. 

Wake up Submerge parts of the unconscious and achieve Instant Manifestations

Take the 10 Day Challenge!

Take your practice to the next level with this Meditation Challenge. Gain focus and clarity like never before with this day by day process. Includes FREE meditation download! 

The challenge isn’t about meditating. The challenge is over coming your own personal obstacles. Determination, consistency and simply taking the time out for yourself with out guilt. It takes 21 days to form a habit- follow along and your half way there!

Are you up for the challenge? Follow the link and sign up now for our 10 Day Meditation Challenge. Everything You Need to Know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey

Aligning Body, Breath, and Spirit

Combine these together along with activating this part on your body. This creates instant manifestation on so many levels – multidimensional levels. This larger unseen part of you can see what you’re focused on, and whether  what you are focused on is creating pain by using the pain scale of a 5 or above. 

This wakes up parts in the unconscious that have been suppressed. You are completely unaware of it. When something is happening in our awareness- what you are looking at – and it’s a five or above,  causing us pain and suffering, worry, uncertainty, or fear,  you are giving it a number. Let’s say you are having symptoms of anxiety. You can feel the tightness in your body. You become aware of when your mind starts racing and you are in anxiety. Then you check in where on the pain scale you are with these symptoms of anxiety.  If it’s an 8, focus in on the 8, and try to feel what it’s doing in your body. You will notice your thoughts start to run and the unseen parts in the unconscious will begin to wake up. 

Aligning Body, Breath, and Spirit through alignment

As you begin aligning body, breath, and spirit, you begin to recognize that you are thinking in ways you don’t normally think. You start to behave, react and believe in ways you don’t normally do. These parts wake up and Bleed into are now personality. 

Your Personality is whole and loves organization. But when these unintegrated parts wake up, they create disorganization. When you are triggered and behave in ways you don’t normally behave, you are in need of aligning body, breath, and spirit. When you create your healing team through the multidimensional hypnosis technique, which nobody else is doing, when you bring your healing team together and you give the order to this larger unseen part that can see the perfect order and perfect sequence of each of these parts waking up. As each of these parts wake up, they must agree to be integrated willingly. Once all are in agreement, the third part of the healing team is taught how to do the processing work through allegory.  

Learn how to do the processing and integration work! The healing team receives all of these parts and organizes them into the wholeness that you are. Use tools and imagery by bringing two of your energy parts together while activating a third part of you becomes a powerful healing tool where life transformations are happening in 20 minutes. Begin letting go of the medications, addictions, habits now. Seeing through them and seeing that it is these unseen parts waking up and then taking over our personality. 

Watch the video HERE!

The Body, Breath and Spirit Naturally Align

So, things are naturally dropping to the wayside. Your focus has become clear. It is getting very clear on what it is you’re aiming for and then your boundaries becomes super clear. This is the power of multidimensional hypnosis. Create your wholeness by assembling your healing team to integrate the past! Instead of suppressing or trying to fix or trying to change or spiritual bypassing. We are not doing that here, this is full-on integration and moving forward with completeness. 

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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