Past Life Regression with Hypnosis
Past Life Regression with Hypnosis

Hypnosis for Past Life Regression

I have been using hypnosis for past life Regression for over 10 years. It’s one of my favorite things to do with clients. More specifically, I have been using hypnosis to open up past lives. I want to start off with the example of a client I recently worked with. Let’s call him Mat. He explained that ever since he learned past life regression was a thing, he has been wanting to use hypnosis as a tool to open up and explore the experiences of his soul.

His curiosity stemmed from some emotion trauma that happened with him and his wife. So this kind of started exploring of his self. This is something we all go through. Once you go through an awaking, you realize you don’t even know who you are. I also recently helped one of many favorite clients who has been with me for many years. I helped her through a very nasty divorce. Coming out the other end, she realized the strength that she had, she too wanted to experience these past lives.

Seek the answers you need within, not outside

As you start to seek healing and answers that can only be found inside, the whole process becomes an inside job. Hypnosis to explore past life regression is a powerful tool. The kingdom of the heavens is within, and there’s nothing that you need outside of you. However, so many people are seeking, looking for answers, trying to put the puzzle pieces together. Personally I did my own past life regression with Dr. Brian Wise when he came to Chicago for celebrate your life weekend event. It was so powerful.

As for myself with past life regression, I am a very visual person, and then it looked like there is a movie going right across the screen and all over sudden I had downloads of memories, information, feelings, emotions and experiences that suddenly came to me. He did not suggest any of it to me. It opened up and came to me.

Start from what is happening now

So when I work with people and they want to explore this part of themselves, it always from the intention of heartfelt. Nothing is forced because you cannot coerce the subconscious. So, we start from a place of healing of what is going on right now. Part of this process of learning about yourself is also healing within yourself. He was seeking healing and answers that can only be found deep within. So, he went to YouTube and checked out a lot of the suggested videos, wanted more of this clarity.

He also wanted to have a session, and we did. Some of the questions he kept asking include what lessons he chose to learn from this life and what have I already learnt. He feels this pull towards his soul like an adventure and a remembering. It is a remembering because even Jesus after He was baptized He talked about the heavens opening up and remembering everything. This is the process that we are going through as we go through this spiritual awakening process. This is the work I do as a reverend and hypnotist. I use these techniques to open up a path clarity and healing.

Learn who you are

As he went on and learnt about parts of himself that were ready to show, we came in without expectations. There was no guarantee that a past life regression would have a past life show up. However, opening the door, get ready, because it might not happen after that past life regression that you may have that day. Something may happen later on in time. That happened to me. I had one open-up with Dr. Brian, but ever since then, I have had memories come back over the years, and they keep coming back. It’s like something opens up and you receive this download.

Some of the questions I’ll ask my clients include what has been the effect that this has had on you when you discovered some of your past lives. There responses often include I just feel an opening, or suddenly I am more creative, musically inclined and am picking up an instrument, I have more compassion. Essentially, this opens up some deep within themselves, and you know working with clients daily, involves the client wanting to heal something in this life time of past lifetime. What I often do is perform a combination of hypnosis using techniques like mind-scaping and creating a healing team for this self-directed healing on multi-dimensional levels.

Awaken your memories and find unity and healing

During this process, many have experienced naturally this opening and all over sudden a memory of past lives and sharing stories of the memories they are experiencing for the first time. This is a wonderful place to be because it allows you to integrate all of you. These parts that are no longer hidden, suddenly wake up and they are affecting how you think and how you react and the choices that you make. Instead you become aware of these things and you make your choices from the space of unity and healing in the center of your wholeness.

Hypnosis Experienced Facilitated through Induction

The beauty of hypnosis is that it’s your experience.  It takes you inside because I can’t give you your experience, I can only guide you into this space by using powerful induction, and it really depends on you. I have special inductions for people who are more analytical, visual, or those who really do need an induction. We right into trance.

So depending on where you are, we start where you are because there is nothing you need to do to change anything about you. However, learning that you go inside and connect with all these parts of you, this is what brings about integration into your wholeness of what this process is all about.  Something think of this as not being true. That may be the case, but when you have thousands of people who have had similar experiences, it is now time to take something that is very subjective and make it objective.

Hypnosis unlocks your access to your generational dark matter

Now science has finally realized that within our DNA, there is essentially dark matter that is generational memories. As we begin to learn about ourselves, we are learning even more about ourselves, and not just who we are right now, but who we were at another timeline. Only we humans see time as being linear. But time is truly cyclical. And as we spiral through time, we may come those points in time where our past lives are aligned with the current timeline. This wakes up something within us and this is a very powerful healing place to be.

I do this with clients and its one of the most favorite things I love to with clients and see the immediate transformation that happens when we go into the past life. I do this through a couple of different ways through induction and accessing your Akashic records with permission. Working through this energy, creates powerful inner shifts. Once these inner shifts are grounded and integrated, your world automatically begins to make massive shifts! We have seen so many wonderful shifts that some of them are way out there.

Take Aways

So unexpected but delightful and joyful to receive when you discover how powerful past life regression is through hypnosis. When you go inside first, and treat that inner space like a vital nutrient, all the information that is here, including everything that is already written in the book life becomes accessible. What you can do is take these recording and integrate them into your wholeness and that when the magic happens. When you align yourself, changes happen inside out. Outside things might take time to change, but inside, things happen instantly.

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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