The Process for Self-Directed Healing
The Process for Self-Directed Healing

The Process for Self-Directed Healing

In this series we’ll discuss the process for self-directed healing and get to know the keys of the spiritual awakening process for self-directed healing. I have been on this spiritual journey for many years now. It started in my teens and I became a volunteer minister in our church, teaching the bible especially to those who were disadvantaged and maybe couldn’t read. So I helped those around me.

Honestly, there were plenty of opportunities to get to know others of various cultures, races, backgrounds, and religions as I was living in Chicago. So, it has been a blessing being exposed to this wide array of cultures at a very young age. At 35 years old, I was still very zealous in my preaching of the good word, giving Bible studies in American Sign Language, getting to know and love this wonderful community that we have right here. Most of us never see this phenomenon. But, I was gifted with the ability to pick up the language naturally. 

The Moment When The Spiritual Awakening Journey Began:

It was around 2001, I was 35 years old when my spiritual awakening journey commenced. At the time, I was doing my ministry work and loving it. I was running a successful business as a freelance contracted sign language interpreter in the Chicagoland metropolitan area. For everyone, I was looking pretty successful on the outside. And it was in 2001 that I discovered this spot on my shoulder. 

It was just a spot. It was about the size of a dime. I went to the dermatologist and had the spot biopsied and it happened to be on my birthday, June 18, 2001, that I got the biopsy result. And it was my doctor who called. 

When you’re getting a result and it’s the doctor that’s calling, you know something’s up. And he said to me “I’m sorry, you have malignant melanoma”. Now I didn’t hear anything after that and I understood the meaning of time standing still, time stood completely still and he mentioned stage four. And what doctor to go to next. So I wrote everything down and I went to go see that doctor. 

Those next steps…

The next steps were to have radioactive dye injected into me, removing lymph nodes to determine if I was going to get radiation with my chemotherapy. And as the doctor was telling me all of these things that I had to go through, there was a tiny little voice inside that said “that’s not for you”. 

Now I looked very successful on the outside but I was literally dying on the inside. And I wasn’t dealing with the trauma that I experienced between the ages of 4 and 16. I buried them deep and I made myself super busy in my career, super busy in my volunteer work, super busy with my family, and my kids when they were little. And I didn’t have to deal with it. So looking extremely successful on the outside and yet dying on the inside. And I wasn’t dealing with it, I was suppressing it. 

So, I started going through this spiritual awakening process. I’ll be explaining the same in this blog how I successfully healed myself with a self-directed healing process. Let’s move forward, 

Be Determined to Listening to Yourself

Everything in my external world was showing me fear. So, the first thing I did was to listen to that tiny little voice inside. I chose not to go the route of chemotherapy and radiation. I told the doctor “no” to chemotherapy and radiation. He said to me that I’ll be dead in two years. 

So making that decision and saying no to chemotherapy was not as easy as I could have been dead in two years. That time, fear flooded me all over, and then everyone was telling me what I should be doing, there’s this cure for this, there’s a cure for that. And everyone was showing me this fear. But I was only remembering that tiny little voice inside that said “that’s not for you.”And it’s very important to be determined on listening to yourself when you’re on a spiritual awakening journey.

Have Your Own Plan Crafted

Although I didn’t know what exactly was for me, I just followed that voice. I found an oncologist who was willing to work with me. She told me “You have to have a plan. What’s your plan?” I didn’t have a plan back then.

So, she advised me to have a plan and show it to her on my next visit to her after three months. So what I did was I researched everything. I found Dr. Mercola and I learned EFT through his training. I also became a coarse junkie with shiny object syndrome. And I went through this stage of learning everything I could possibly get my hands on. 

I became certified in EFT, emotional freedom technique. NLP, neuro linguistic programming, and LOA which is the law of attraction. I was also certified in hypnotherapy, past life regression, a certified yoga teacher, licensed massage therapist, craniosacral therapist. I studied shamanism and became a Reiki Master Trainer, and studied up and down the book Reality Transurfing, nature, physics, metaphysics, earth science, and the work of Dr. Gary Flint, Dr. Brian Weiss, and Dr. Bruce Lipton. And so on my healing journey, I healed, despite myself. 

Learn Everything With Your Own Application

After five years of my diagnosis, my oncologist said that she didn’t want to see me again. And of course, I said gladly. But I tell myself I went to hell and came back, Wonder Woman. During that hell period, I gained a lot of knowledge. I began to apply it to myself and commenced my spiritual awakening journey

And I learned what worked and what didn’t work for me. This is very important through the healing process. Because I healed myself of cancer while saying no to traditional medicine. 

My life experience trained me for this. I have been a spiritual counselor and student of all faiths for over 30 years including the tools that help us go inside, where we have everything we need to get through whatever the world is showing us right now. We must experience this. Science is calling it coherence. I like to call it a vital nutrient. It releases these good hormones that cascade into lowering our blood pressure, lowering stress levels, deeper breathing, a calmer mind, less reactive and so many more benefits. 

How would you apply these keys to your life?

So, these are the three key ways of the process for Self-Directed Healing to direct yourself to the healing process during your spiritual awakening journey. When we come from a space of needing nothing to be fixed, we create a space for integration and we’re going to talk more about this integration method in our next blog. We’re going to be talking about integration and why it’s so important to integrate our past experiences and not suppress them. Because when we push them down inside, it will show up in our business, in our relationships, in how we react with our world. So I look forward to talking more about this integration process and the birth of the method in the coming article.

Watch the video here!

Watch the video HERE!

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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