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The Importance of Daily Practice

We’re discussing the importance of daily practice on your spiritual awakening journey and I help you accelerate your personal and spiritual growth. And we are continuing on this journey about what is this spiritual awakening process?
And what we should be doing and looking at. So, we pulled and we got so many responses that are simply amazing. But, we narrowed all of these responses down to eight categories to help you find an easy escape from this hustle of life. And here we’re going to be talking about the sixth category and that is the daily practice.
So this is the sixth of eight categories that you need to know about when you’re in your spiritual journey. In this process that we’re all going through, we’ve talked about looking inside then staying centered and grounded. You’ve learnt about staying centered and grounded when our eyes are going out, our senses are going out.

But the advice is to stop and then go inside first to get centered and grounded. This is where your balance is. You’re gonna know if you’re off balance based on emotions that are starting to come up. You’re going to know when you’re in balance based on how the nervous system is responding when you’re in balance.

Then we talked about something bigger than you. There’s something bigger than this human here. Something unseen that we can’t really explain what it is but it’s something. There’s something bigger that is this larger source, the big guy, high five, whatever that is for you. It’s an experiential journey not an intellectual one. We have names for it but that name is going to change depending on your experience.So this is when we really connect with something bigger than you.

Then we talked about forgiveness, what it is and why it’s so important.

Is the importance of daily practice the most difficult part?

So,we’re going to talk about the sixth category. Among the responses we received, this is one of the most important things that you should know when you’re on your spiritual awakening process. And that is about your daily practice.

One of the things I noticed was a common theme with this. Or you could say the most difficult problem that beginners often face. And this is committing to yourself. If you’re not committed to a daily practice then possibly you might do it for a day or two. You hit it or miss it. But it’s not becoming a daily routine or a pattern that you do for yourself every single day. 

These patterns and rituals are creatures of habits. They need habit, they need direction, they need focus. If it doesn’t have clarity, focus and direction, it’s going to feel uncertainty, fear anxiety. These are the natural responses of the body’s nervous system. So many of us think that we are the nervous system. But actually we’re not. What your daily practice is doing is connecting you to the source of the nervous system. This is something larger and so you’re getting to know this part of you through your daily practice. 

Ways to Keep Yourself Committed to Your Daily Practices

There are ways to keep yourself committed to your daily practices during the entire spiritual awakening process. So, let’s take a look at these, 

Consistency is the Key

It’s important to stay with the practice without a doubt. Even if you miss a day or two or have an off time, just go back and stay with it. You should always be who you are meant to be. And be easy on yourself. 

So sometimes just by saying be who you’re meant to be, the mind might get confused by that. We are not meant to be the activity of our mind. We witness the activity of our mind. So the one witnessing the activity of the mind, you have to be that. That’s what that means very powerful if you can understand this ever so subtle shift. And another response is whatever tools you use, use them consistently and be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and thinking.

You may still have doubts on how to keep up the consistency in your practice, So, two pieces of advice here for you when it comes to your daily practice. 

Be Honest With Yourself

So ask yourself questions when you’ve doubts. You can ask, “have i done my daily practice today?”

For me, I do it right when I wake up. The first thing I start putting my focus awareness and attention right when I become conscious of this reality. And before I go to sleep and leave this reality. I tell the unconscious larger part, the healing team, “what it is that I want to experience more of?” and I go to sleep in that space. 

The importance of daily practice takes daily practice. This takes saying no to everything else that takes away your focus, attention and awareness from your practice. You have to say no to those things in order to say yes to your practice. Then you start to experience the benefits of your practice.

Watch for Self-pity Ego Driven Thinking

So self-pity ego driven thoughts are “oh poor me! there’s too many things going on in my life. You know for me to even think about meditation is too much you know. Meditation’s really not for me. I don’t need it. I’m awake. I get it, I’m awake.”

But this is an intellectual experience. Your practice helps create an experiential experience. You’re going to know it experientially. It’s not just knowing it intellectually. The big difference always takes place with this subtle shift.

Create Peace and Space

Another great piece of advice in the importance of daily practice with this step-by-step guide is to create peace and space. You must make time and space for it. 

You can create your space where you’re going to do your daily practice. Get creative! You have to make space for it and create it for yourself. It’s like this is where i’m going to do my daily practices at this time for myself. 

White Light Of Protection

Another piece of advice is to cover yourself with white light of protection. So as soon as you ever have that, as soon as you make a decision “all right i’m going to do this for myself every day” and then next thing you know you’re not doing that for yourself. It’s almost like you’re self-sabotaging. 

So first of all come to a space where you’re covering yourself in a state of light and protection. This is also bringing mind and heart into a space of unity. So bring your mind and heart into this space of unity and bring your daily practice to you as opposed to chasing your daily practice.  It’s like changing the shift from like “yeah i need to do this” to “i choose to do this”. So it will be  your choice to do this. 

When you choose to do it, it becomes a need. And it becomes energetically warped within you when you place a need on it or you put importance on it. You’re literally pushing it away from you and it feels like you’re chasing after it. So with a daily practice the feeling of chasing after your dreams, your desires and your manifestation completely ends.

It’s Different From Everyone

The daily practices are like different things for everyone. So your daily practice is going to look different from mine and from everybody else’s. Some people do breathwork, do yoga, meditate whatever. It is to bring you into the space of expansion and hold it here. It’s actually a prepwork that sets the tone and sets the mindset for your day. So you’re not easily caught on a pendulum or hooked on a rabbit hole. And all of your time, attention and focus is put on that instead of where you’re supposed to be .

Protect Your Own Energy Field

The Importance of Daily Practice includes learning ways to protect your own energy field and to know how to turn on and turn off connections in order to avoid burnout. And this is when you have to say no to things. Because as an empath energy worker, starting to understand how this energy works, you’re going to want to give in. But you must find that balance so that you are also receiving, resting, rejuvenating, integrating. This is very important to find that within your daily practice.

It starts with YOU!

So these were the responses we got from the poll we posted. We want to thank you for participating in this poll and sharing your thoughts on this spiritual awakening journey. And if you want to see more of this then we do have two more articles coming. 

In the next two articles, we’ll be talking about the  most important thing you need to know as you’re learning about and starting out on this spiritual process. We’re going to talk about how there’s nothing to fix within you. Stay tuned and thank you for being on this journey with me. 

Watch the video HERE!

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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