Reality Transurfing becoming Aware
reality transurfing and becoming aware

Reality Transurfing and Becoming Aware

With reality transurfing and becoming aware, it is all about induced transition. It’s also a warning to become aware of this type of movement in energy. The author Vadim Zeland talks about how you cooperate with it and create a shift in your lifeline. So let’s go ahead and get started. 

In chapter five of the book Reality Transurfing Steps I-V is really about awareness and a warning. Because you know once there’s a ripple in the water it keeps going and it’s going to come back with these consequences. So the very first sentence in the book says, “Do not absorb negative information.” 

Reality Transurfing: The Importance of Becoming Aware 

And with reality transurfing and becoming aware, these induced transitions are all over the place. They’re constantly trying to get our attention and they’re a part of life. But how do we not get caught in the vortex? Because it’s something that causes you to spiral right off your own lifeline. So in the glossary, it does go into detail about what induced transition is. But what I really like to bring out is it’s a transition onto a lifeline in which an individual takes on the role of the victim.

If you think about this, suppose I’m on my lifeline. Something happens and I become a victim. Now I start taking on the role of this victim and continuing on shifting from my original purpose. This is when we start to identify ourselves with a sob story. And we go off on this vortex. We are warned to not do this. Because this affects negative energy. When you shift into a downward spiral, you’re gonna actually shift your lifeline on to a downward spiral. The thing is we have the choice, most of us don’t see that we have a choice at that moment.

But we do have the choice

When we understand reality transurfing and becoming aware, a person’s response and reactions to the pendulum push, and the mutual exchange of energy induces a transition onto a lifeline similar frequency to the oscillation of the pendulum. Oscillation means it’s moving between positive and negative. It is something you can see moving in a way. So, the frequency of these types of pendulums is no different. But we have the choice to look at it, feed it and then literally become it. Because our frequency will start to match that frequency then what will happen is we will download these scripts.

Become Aware of Every Situation 

Because this whole chapter is about becoming aware because most of us are not even aware of what’s going on. We’re spiraling down and it’s like when you flush the toilet you have a big spiral and then it starts going and gets smaller and next thing you know you’re so far in it. You don’t even recognize yourself anymore because you’re so far into the spiral. So, Vadim is really warning us to become extremely aware of these shifts. This is induced because you’re taking your focus and attention off your lifeline. 

There’s nothing to be offended

With reality transurfing and becoming aware, Vadim says, there’s nothing here to be affected. So as long as you don’t absorb this negative information, this won’t affect you. Whether you face disasters or even simple things like getting older may affect you if you are absorbing negative emotions. I just turned fifty-three and a lot of people my age, they’ll start repetitively saying their stories of young life. So, you start to get stuck in the past rather than being present and seeing opportunities open up within your future. 

There are a Lot of Layers on the Planet and becoming aware

Each one of us on this planet creates a separate layer and makes its own world.

So I have a layer in the world, you have a layer in the world, and so on there are billions upon billions of layers on this earth. When an event takes place, many people become affected by one event due to the ripple effects. So the world of humanity consists of all of these individual layers one on top of the other.

It’s very humbling that I’ve been to Malaysia, and South Korea where there’s a lot of people in one small space. But this is an energetic space where there’s no time, no movement with time. It’s all here as all of our layers are right here. If I would do energy work here in the Chicago-land area for someone who’s on the other side of the world, they’ll receive it, feel it, because there’s no time in space between the energy. So there are billions of worlds on this planet, but only One Space.

Create An Energetic Loop Within Your Layer with reality transurfing and becoming aware

When a negative event takes place, we start feeding it with our energy. We start feeding it and become one with it. These things can allow this negative information into our own layer and affect us on an energetic level. So you get stuck in these types of a vortex. It’s an energy vortex that goes down, spins down, and takes you with you. 

However, you have a choice. Vadim says, “when a person emanates negative energy, they compromise the quality of their own life layer.” So you’re inviting this energy within yourself. 

In transurfing terms, a person who radiates negative energy transfers them into lifelines that correspond to the negative parameters of their own thought energy. So if my thoughts are vibrating at a certain frequency, we’ll be sending and receiving transmitters. And science has found this within the brain, there are electrical transmitters and crystals. They are calling this the reticular activating center. It sends out signals and it finds signals like itself and then brings back those signals. So you create this energetic loop within the layer of your world.

Be Aware of Your Persistent Chronic Attitude

As we create these energetic loops, sometimes our loops are going out so much that we spread ourselves so thin energetically. So we choose to allow these frequencies into our experience. Vadim warns about discontent. Most of the time, we’re not satisfied, we think “well I’m the customer and the customer is always right.”

So we have this persistent chronic attitude. This is a chronic attitude and it’s not a good attitude. It’s the attitude of discontent and when you send that attitude out, you come back with a triple force boomerang effect that comes back at you. 

So this whole chapter is really becoming aware of sending your reticular activating system out to bring back to you a closed complete loop. Because we’re all energy systems, we’re all complete circuits. And so our thought energy is no different than sending out and receiving what we send out. Sometimes in our society, aggression can be seen as strengths and this attitude of dissatisfaction can become normal. 

But, you have to be aware of these things because if it becomes normal to us, we are now radiating at that frequency and this is not a good thing for our own lifeline. 

Express no Interest to Negative Experiences

So this whole chapter is focused on how the energy moves, how we feed it or starve it. So we can choose to not allow any of this energy into our experience. Vadim says, there is a big difference between avoiding things like “I’m putting my hands up, I’m avoiding you” and completely ignoring this or showing no interest in this. 

Remember, when we talk about the pendulums, there are two parts of us, the human being, our human part. We can’t really see as the moving part of the scales, it’s constantly moving and changing. And so our attention. It is going out, moving, changing and you really can’t trust it. 

When we become aware of our tendencies, we can perceive them from the being part. Being part of us is like the fulcrum that doesn’t move. It’s the observer that watches everything. So, you’re just looking, observing without liking, disliking, or giving it any emotional energy, thought energy whatsoever. So, maintaining neutrality is important. 

This is when all these pendulums, these vortices, and all of these things come at us and they’ll go through us because there’s nothing here to grab onto. 

Cut off Your Frequencies

The chapter in reality transurfing can be a little overwhelming and mind-blowing at the same time but if you practice them, you’ll be enjoying the beauty of life. If you look and give your energy that way you’re going to create a complete circuit. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at bad or looking at a good but if you maintain and keep your energy, focus, attention here then the world is going to bless you. Whether it’s a good situation or bad, you keep yourself at the center and come out of it with your awareness.

It is awareness so when you walk through life, drawn off on this pendulum but as soon as you’re feeding it, it becomes a part of you. You’ve created a complete circuit with that frequency. So cut off those frequencies and bring all of your energy back.

Create the reality you want without feeling like you’re chasing it!

Take aways for reality transurfing and becoming aware

We don’t want you to get bogged down in the abstract. We don’t want you to be overwhelmed with information but we want you to remember as Vadim talks about remembering. Because we’re going to get caught off our lifeline and our track so the key is to become aware and remember. The sooner you remember the less likely you’re gonna be at the tail end of one of those Vorta vortices that are spinning out of control.

It’s all about accepting the pendulums game, knowing that it’s a game, and then sending your heart and saying we’re going to get into slides, images, prayers. Some people might say it’s spiritual bypassing. But, just ignore these things. My heart aches every time something happens to a woman or to a child or to an animal. This is a normal human reaction. What’s not normal is when you’re starting to drain your energy and feeding this tons alone and taking you off of your authentic path. Because who knows your authentic path might be the solution to that problem. So, keep practicing no matter what!

“A person’s response and reactions to the pendulum push, and the mutual exchange of energy induces a transition onto a lifeline similar frequency to the oscillation of the pendulum.”

Deni Van

The Best Parts of reality transurfing and becoming aware

There are electrical transmitters and crystals within our brains. These are called reticular activating centers. It sends out signals and it finds signals like itself and then brings back those signals. So you create this energetic loop within the layer of your world.

When something happens and you get identified with it, this is when you become a victim. Now you start taking on the role of this victim and continuing on shifting from your original purpose. This is when we start to identify ourselves with a sob story. And we go off on this vortex.

Spiraling down is like when you flush the toilet. You have a big spiral and then it starts going and gets smaller and next thing you know you’re so far in it. You don’t even recognize yourself anymore because you’re so far into the spiral.

When a negative event takes place, we start feeding it with our energy. We start feeding it and become one with it. These things can allow this negative information into our own layer and affect us on an energetic level. So you get stuck in these types of a vortex and never come out of this trap.

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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