Everything You Need to Know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey
Everything You Need to Know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey with Deni Van

Everything You Need to Know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey

We are continuing with our eight part series for anyone starting out on their spiritual awakening journey should know. If you found value in these series, most excellent! Take it, roll with it, practice with it, apply it, keep applying it to yourself and notice how instead of chasing your desires, your desires come to you.

However some of us might be in a space where there might be some past experiences. Our past traumas, emotions, or something where we feel blocked and unable to move forward. If this is you and you’re looking for that secret thing in the spiritual process, then this article is gonna help you. 

So many of us are looking and seeking. Even I too have been a seeker until I discovered something within me. It was discovered inside me.  Nobody could have discovered it for me. I had to do the work for myself. And it started when I was diagnosed with cancer in 2001. I was 35 years old and I said no to traditional treatment. They wanted to do all kinds of stuff like inject me with threading where I could die to determine where I was gonna get radiation with my chemotherapy. And I said no. 

The reason I said no was, there was a tiny little voice inside. That said that’s not for you. And I listened. I took the courage and listened to that voice inside when everything outside was showing me fear. They told me I’ll be dead in two years. Can you imagine? They told me I had only two years to live. So facing this fear, it took all my courage to go inside and listen to the voice that said that’s not for you. 

I said alright if that’s not for you then what is. So I went through this spiritual awakening process of discovering this coherence. It’s about bringing the mind and heart in unity. When this happens, it creates a certain frequency. This is the frequency that we want to experience. This is the frequency that we need when we start to create things in our life. When we were noticing our intuition, we were paying more attention to our intuition, we were feeling that feeling of being found. And that’s your home.

Parts of Healing in Your Spiritual Awakening Journey:

With everything you need to know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey, we have created an opportunity to start looking beyond in two multiple dimensions and start healing in your spiritual awakening journey. Because we have to start healing here first and then our 3D external reality. We start to manifest what we were feeling on the inside. We commit to ourselves and do the work. The work is creating your healing team and integrating all those wounded parts. All of those parts that may wake up that moment when you’re getting to the point or you have to tap into something that might be scary and exciting at the same time. 

But this part will wake up and pull you back into your comfort zone. This is when you self sabotage yourself. And so this part we want to integrate into the wholeness, the organization and the completeness of the healing team. And this is why we have created this process of transformation method. 

Everyone Experience Unique Results

We have created a subscription because we do the work every single week. Everyone’s results are different. Depending on where you are but as you start to do this work and you create this inner space. 

When you’re creating this inner space, you’re more absorbing and less judging. This creates more compassion. It’s natural compassion and empathy within you. We create more self love and fewer resentments because we put expectation on our love for other people. This means  we have a lot of expectations and love for ourselves. And when we come from a space of self love we can only give love to others. And this is when our boundaries become very clear and we become less reactive. 

Respond than React

We’re not reactive to those parts that are waking up and taking all over. Because we have come into this shift where change comes in. Body is gonna naturally respond now. It’s gonna wake up and think , it has to save you and protect you and pull you back into your comfort zone. 

So we integrate all of our wisdom and understanding  of these parts as we go through the spiritual awakening process of transformation method and teach the healing team how to reprogramme and do the integration work. 

And then you’re having more responding and less reacting. You’re responding from the space of mind and heart unity. As opposed to reacting from a space of fear, uncertainty,anxiety. Do you feel the difference? when you come into your  center and then make these decisions, you have more inner peace and less outer chaos. You can observe this inner space of stillness and you can see all of the chaos happening. 

But you’re not jumping into it or getting hooked into it and feeding into it. You’re just witnessing all of the movements from a space of stillness and this creates this natural inner peace not trying to make inner peace. It creates this inner peace and then you’ have more being and less doing. 

We all seem to be busy doing things. But are all of those things that we are doing part of our purposes and our aim and our goals and what we want to experience more of?  Or doing this need to say not those things so that we can say yes to our targets and our aim. 

Clarity Creates State of Faith

These above-mentioned parts give us more clarity and less confusion. Because when you get clear you know what you’re saying yes to and what you’re saying no to. Those things you’re saying “no” to are distractions. Now you’re committing to yourself. 

And this creates a state of faith. I’m not talking about the faith of putting your faith in the church or putting your faith on that person or putting your faith in that thing. In fact, I’m saying never put your faith in any person, place or things. I’m talking about this state of faith. 

It’s where you know, it’s here energetically but it’s not yet manifested in the material world. When you reach this state, you’re able to stay in this state of faith and have less fear, uncertainty and unknowing.

It starts with YOU!

So if you think that this is for you, then send me an email. We have programs for you and opportunities to work with us. So, you can learn how to energetically align with this. You can bring your mind and heart into a state what science is calling coherence. 

You learn the how and by learning the how you’re creating a practice. You’re already creating an energy circuit because what you’re giving out is going to come back and complete the circuit. Whatever that is you’re sending out it will come back. So we get very clear with the process of transformation in the spiritual awakening process.

You’ll get clear with your purposes and aim to your goals not by comparing yourself to anybody else. Once you’re cleared,  your boundaries become clear and you know when you’re going off and you’re saying no to your purposes and aim. So the process transformation is for you irrespective of your caste, creed and religion. 

Don’t mind letting us know about your experiences and how you applied everything you need to know on your spiritual awakening journey 

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Everything You Need to Know on your Spiritual Awakening Journey is here!
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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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