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Are You In Alignment With What You Want To Manifest?

Do you know if you’re in alignment with what you want to manifest? A client of mine that I have been working with recently asked this question: Let’s just say that the golden fields has a vibrational frequency and I need to match its vibrational frequency so that I can attract it into my experience. Well, what number is the golden fields, and how do I become the matching number? What she did not realize is that she had things backwards.

Is state a feeling?

In such a circumstance, what you want to do is match your vibration to what you will feel already having the golden fields. You are the vibration, so the golden fields come and find you. When people say that you have to become a vibrational match or a state, is a state simply a feeling?  What is a state? Trance is a state.

The clients we work with experience trance with the work we do with the healing team and going into that state, and so a lot of people will feel that trance state as an opening, deepening and a lightning, all these things at once. So you really can’t say what it is because it is an experience. You experience causes a vibration, but you can’t explain it to anyone. This is how you want to feel when you get the Golden fields.

Even though it’s not there yet, you create the vibration so that the Golden fields come to you. This is why people feel like they are pushing what they want away from them. They are looking to tray and attract it but they are pushing it away from them – they are doing it backwards. So you want to be the vibration and have what you want come to you.

Energy and Work Energy

What exactly is energy and energy work? Is it being tied on one side and energized on the other? Is everything energy? Well, even though we have this physical body, most of it is space, and between the spaces is this ether-energy. It’s like asking a fish, hey fish what with all this water? And the fish goes like, what water? We have this energy that animates our bodies, make the heart go. You can see or touch the energy, but you can definitely experience it.

So, energy work is making shifts within your energy system. A system has to run like a fine tuned machine. When one of the 7 main chakras in the body is out of line, your energy balance will be out of alignment.

What is alignment and how do we get their?

You know you are not in alignment with what you want to manifest by how you feel. This is one of those things you need to experience. However, for the musically inclined who enjoy listening to music, it’s easy to tell when something is out of tune. That is not an alignment. The moment someone does a beautiful tune, you are quick to note how beautiful it is because your body just melts with it. Your body just becomes naturally in alignment with it. Science call this coherence. In the bible it says, that when two are gathered in the Lord’s name, there I AM.

Here is the thing, when the heart and mind are in alignment, it creates a third frequency, and science is calling this coherence. This coherence allows you to release those few good hormones, and it sends your reticular activating system out and it sends more of what you are feeling to you and you create these energetic loops, allowing you to move forward.

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It’s important to know when you are in alignment with what it is that you want to manifest. Many of people are stuck in the past. They bring the past into the future, and they kind of go into this stuck motion because it’s hard to be in the future. If you can create this state where you are happy, and you believe it, rather than forcing yourself when your body is dealing with other issues, and you believe it, you are already integrating those things, so that you can create this space to really feel it.

Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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