A Step-by-step Guide to Control Your Thoughts
A Step-by-step Guide to Control Your Thoughts

A Step-by-step Guide to Control Your Thoughts

A Step-by-step Guide to Control Your Thoughts, and this is the final part of the things that you need to know as you’re discovering your spiritual awakening process. This journey that we are on today we’ll be talking about the eighth most popular category. This is to control your thoughts. The pole we posted to know about people’s experiences in the beginning of their spiritual journey, states some pretty wise points.  

During the journey, there are dark times when things are going to get chaotic, things are going to get stressful. These times come and go. So, it’s like our feelings that come and go like the waves of the ocean. But, you should always remember that you chose to be here for this. Some people are like “i didn’t choose to be born. I didn’t choose to come here for this.” That’s actually coming from the human ego part of us. 

But when you shift and you understand that there is nothing to fix, you create your own daily practice, you create a state of forgiving. You can create this state just by letting things go and understanding that there’s something bigger than you. 


When you do these things, you remember that you come to a place where you understand that this is all small happening and then watch for self-pity, ego driven thinking. This is really important because we’re coming from an ego centered point of view perspective. And that’s okay because we have likes and dislikes, judgments and criticism. We’ve all of those things. 

But when you shift to this larger unseen part of you, when you understand you are the bottle, the physical part and the genie, the non-physical metaphysical part you, you begin to observe your thoughts. You become the witness of your thoughts. At this phase, you will notice when the mind tsunami of thoughts comes and you’ll come to realize “wow i am not this. When I put my focus, awareness and attention on it, it seems to feed it.”

6 Actionable Steps to Follow to Control Your Thoughts:

Spiritual journey is a very powerful place to be yourself and to know a step-by-step guide to control your thoughts. These all are coming from a place of knowing nothing. Unless you cross the mind barrier, you can’t touch the spiritual world. And so as you’re going on this spiritual awakening journey, there are people who are going to share facts with you, share ways with you. But it’s not something that we can give a name to. This is the nameless, timeless, open unlimited expansiveness. So when you allow yourself to be this, you’ll have this feeling experientially. Nothing physical in this realm can touch the spiritual world. Jesus said “no flesh can enter the kingdom of the heavens. And you know, where is the kingdom of the heavens? It’s within you.” That’s the reason why you gotta go within. When you understand and begin the journey, not just intellectually knowing it but experience it, this is where the magic happens. 

So as we’ve been moving along and understanding these eight concepts of the spiritual awakening journey and they are processes to control your thoughts. We’ll discuss that here, 

Drop All the Concepts You Have

Let go of all the concepts and experience being inside in the kingdom of the heavens within. Experience staying centered and grounded even though it looks like the world is in complete chaos. You should be centered grounded and you should have this feeling that everything’s gonna be okay. 

You should be finding your own balance and realizing when you’re out of balance in this step by step guide to control your thoughts. It’s not only about coming back into not only homeostasis with the body being in its natural balance but bringing the mind, heart into that coherent state of unity. When you’re in this state, you feel that there’s something larger, there’s something bigger than you.

Commit to Daily Practices

Part of a step-by-step guide to control your thoughts is you should come to a space of easily forgiving because it’s a daily practice that you have to be able to commit to. When you are committed to yourself in creating a daily practice and a mindset of practice by having a strategy and a plan in place for when your mind starts going down the rabbit hole. You should also have a drafted plan to help your mind when it starts reliving the past and the pain of the past.

Having a strategy in place will help you take control of those thoughts. Because only you can control those thoughts. But, the idea of controlling your thought is actually a myth. You can never control your thoughts. I should probably use a different word than control because really you can’t control the mind. The mind is going to keep going. A better word is transcend. The thoughts are still going to go but here’s when we transcend: we take our focus awareness and attention off of it and stay centered. 

The thoughts are still going to happen, the mind is still going to do its thing, we can’t stop the mind from doing its thing. And ego is a part of our mind. But what we have control over is when we put our focus, attention and awareness on it and feed it to create an energetic loop. 

This is where your power is whether or not you put your focus, awareness and attention on these thoughts that are no longer serving you. You can transcend them and create affirmations. These are new thoughts that you begin to plant seeds within your mind and cultivate in order to create the shift within your own thought processes.

Journal Your Thoughts

To control our thoughts it’s very important to journal. Journaling means to get all your thoughts down on the paper. You don’t need to worry about grammar or spelling. Just journal it out because you’re using your eyes, your senses, your kinesthetic writing, etc. Because when you’re journaling you’re using your nervous system that is really important. keep your mind open and ask lots of questions while you’re journaling. 

It’s okay to ask internal questions. You can ask questions on “how can i see more dragonflies? How can I experience more joy? How can I bring more happy people and open people to bring them toward me? 

When you’re finding like-minded people it’s a continuous formula that you’re constantly working on. This sends out magnets if you will to bring back more of this. This is where you want to start getting very selfish with your own thoughts and your mind.

Trust None But Yourself

Trust yourself in every way. You will always be the best guru of your journey. If you’re looking for a guru to help you then make sure that guru is pointing you to your own guru. This is a gift of a guru. Also they say the process doesn’t really end. 

It’s a never-ending process. You may feel like you’re not getting it, you lost it. Maybe you’ve experienced the oneness and now it’s gone. So, it’s okay. You are walking on the plateau and think you’re there. So, don’t let the mind fool you because you’re never there. The mind might say “yes i’m there. I’m awake.” That’s the first trick you gotta get past that. It’s because you don’t know anything. 

You might think that it might be exciting and then you’ll realize you’ve barely started. This is great because the mind is gonna keep coming in. The mind is going to think that you understand it, the mind is going to think that you have it. So, the mind will keep intervening in the entire spiritual awakening process. 

Feel Everything that Comes Along

It ain’t pretty. It’s not meant to be pretty but an eye-opening experience. You should feel everything, learn to surrender to the pain and learn to realize it. Sometimes it’s not meant to be understood the way we think it’s supposed to happen. But just stay centered and grounded and feel everything. 

Sometimes, you’re going to be overloaded with information. You may get overwhelmed by everything. So, you can let go of what doesn’t feel right. Because not everything will help you. And that’s okay. This is probably one of the most common responses for this category. 

It’s All About “You”

It’s all about you. So get out of your head and go inside you. When you’ll get out of your head, you’ll have a clear mindset for your goal and purpose. So, the spiritual awakening journey should be based on your own personal experiences instead of embracing and endorsing the opinions of others. 

So think for yourself, have your own experiences for yourself. In other words, know that you are your greatest teacher and you will learn to follow no one but yourself. You can’t have liaison middlemen, spiritual teachers, professionals and anyone else selling a certificate and helping you find yourself. There is nothing outside of yourself that you need. 

So, in this step-by-step guide to control your thoughts, this was the eighth most popular response that we got in this category of controlling your thoughts. In the spiritual awakening process, you should think for yourself, know that you are not your mind.

It Starts with YOU!

So, thank you for being on this journey with me with these eight categories of things that you need to know when you’re just starting out on your spiritual awakening journey and going through this process. so I hope this helped you, and if it did be sure to leave a comment and share! Thank you for being on this journey with me and I look forward to seeing you next time. 

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Deni Van

Professional Linguist. Hypnotist. Human Design De-Conditioning Coach. Speaker. Researcher & Author.

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